ther was this day...after sch,as ususal i boarded a 197 [bus] back home...then ther was this old man who boarded the
i tot tis guy was innocent and good...around 55 years old
he went to the upper deck...
then sat in the seat in front of me....evrithing went good....but bullshit...
minutes after he received a call...dunno frm who...frm a low tone, he started to speak in high tone[mandarin]....god...was tat DAMN f@#kin rude...
i was so boiled up....

bt soon ppl in the bus stared at him....even so he continued to speak louder and louder as if tat was his father's bus....can u imagine tat??..
an old dude, behavin like this....soon after one lady got the guts and told him abt his rudeness....then he reacted..."keh siow lah u".....holy shit....
he even scolded the lady ...then he rushed down the stairs and gt off in the next as if he was goin to grab his running balls....

RE:ther are more ppl in singapore lyk tat..ill tell u'all more if u reply/give me any comments regarding this...thnx all..