I also want to play what and which!!

One is The Queen!
We feel we must curtsey to you, your Majesty! You are grace personified. No, thatÂ’s not a polite way of hinting that you are a bit style-challenged!
Rather, that you possess the attributes that monarchy is made of—a keen sense of responsibility, an appreciation of tradition, and true leadership skills. But that’s not to say that you’re stodgy in any way--who knows, perhaps if you were the monarch you might even throw caution to the wind and abandon those white gloves and that little royal wave.
You may find that your natural ability to problem solve may lead others to seek out your advice and direction. When it’s needed, you have the ability to take charge whilst maintaining that most British of all personality traits—the stiff upper lip. And, like the Queen, you may just find you’re able to emerge with a highly quotable quote when it’s least expected. You share Her Majesty’s ability to hold your cards close which may sometimes lead others to wonder what’s going on behind that placid demeanour, but you know it’s not that you’re cold or removed.
Perhaps itÂ’s merely that youÂ’re more comfortable providing the calm in the eye of the storm rather than creating the tempest yourself. After all, when is the last time The QueenÂ’s behaviour created headlines? Whilst you may be ready to lead the nation, your love of lifeÂ’s quieter pleasures means that you may find youÂ’re more comfortable with quieter lifestyle away from the spotlight. But thatÂ’s fine. When you choose to exercise the full power of your personality, youÂ’ll find that you are truly the ruler of your own domain!
I am truly a great monarch...