Welcome to Malaysia! Thousands turn up to welcome the English champions.
Fast pace warm ups, Michael Owen looking focused from the off.
Federico Macheda finds his own way of cooling off in the heat.
Dimitar Berbatov always looks laid back and in control.
Newboy Owen works on his touch.
Paul Scholes getting typically stuck in as United begin training.
United players limber up in preparation for training
The United team jog round the pitch before traning in Malaysia
Perfect control, Rooney has a big season ahead of him with Ronaldo and Tevez out of the picture.
Fergie relays his instructions to defender Wes Brown.
Rio recieves a pass while training with a local youth team.
Eye on the ball, Darren Fletcher shows the youngsters how it's done.
Rio Ferdinand strikes a volley while training with a local youth team - not bad for a centre back.
Been waiting for these. nice nice.
is Rooney ear ok? his ear was injured and required stitches in June isnt it.
Rio Ferdinand plays in a match against Malaysian youths in Kuala Lumpur
Sir Alex Ferguson and his United side were mobbed by locals when they arrived at their hotel
Tons more pics here -> http://forum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=421246&extra=page%3D1&page=44
via the redcafe.
Originally posted by zocoss: