Hi everyone, i'm currently a first, about to be second year poly student. Ngee Ann.
Was wondering if anyone here knows how much GPA and what sorts of CCA records are needed to enter a local U? Any Degree. Though if you know specifically real estate.
also right, the NUS courses the lower 10th percentile changes so much between each year, for example 2009 - 3.37 for Real Estate and 3.65 for 2011. Anyone knows what causes this flunctuation? or isit pure luck?
My GPA right now is about 3.0 :( i know quite hard to go uni, but if it's possible ill try to bring my GPA up in my final 2 years.
Link for 2009 10th percentile: http://admissions.nus.edu.sg/sprogramme-igp.html
Link for 2011 10th percentile: http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/gradeprofile/sprogramme-igp.html
Thank you!
wow, maybe this year need perfect 4.0
u will unlikely be able to go in if you achieve the 10th percentile grade only.