Waiting for "Superman" is a 2010 documentary film from director Davis Guggenheim and producer Lesley Chilcott. The film analyzes the failures of American public education by following several students through the educational system, hoping to be selected in a lottery for acceptance into charter schools.
The film received the Audience Award for best documentary at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. The film also received the Best Documentary Feature at the Critics' Choice Movie Awards.
You can watch the Trailer #1.
Related: Shock and Awe Public Service Announcement US (2010)
Previously posted by UltimaOnline:
"Waiting For Superman" takes a current (2010) look at the Education System in America. This isn't just about America or education though, it's really about the human spirit and what we all hope to achieve for our next generation, and for all of humanity.
Previously posted by UltimaOnline:
On a related note, student loans akin to the subprime mortgage crisis are an increasing danger to beware of, whether in the USA or in Singapore.
Kelli Space, 23, graduated from Northeastern University in 2009 with a bachelor's in sociology — and a whopping US$200,000 in student loan debt. Her debt obligation, which is $891 a month, jumps to $1,600 a month next November due to compound interests. She is determined to pay off her debt somehow and regrets the path she took to get her degree: "Everyone from Barack Obama to Bill Gates keeps pushing a college education as the way to secure one's economic future. That is a view that should be heavily qualified."
Read full article :
Somebody uploaded the entire documentary to Youtube.
Waiting for Superman 2010, Part 1 of 11
The rest will be easy to find.
Originally posted by Darkness_hacker99:Somebody uploaded the entire documentary to Youtube.
Waiting for Superman 2010, Part 1 of 11
The rest will be easy to find.
Thanks for sharing! Tis truly an award-winning documentary on Education!