Mother tongue weighting in PSLE could be cut - SPH News ST Headlines
THE high weighting given to mother tongue languages in the Primary
School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is now under review and could be
Education Minister Ng Eng Hen says his ministry is studying whether it
is educationally sound for mother tongue language performance to count
for so much at the Primary 6 level.
'The worry is whether it could exclude someone from progressing in his
educational pathway even if he did well in other subjects,' said Dr Ng
in an interview with The Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao.
What I don't agree with this is that this is teaching our future generation one thing: "it is ok to give up"
That, in my opinion, is extremely dumb.
It's just like some schools force weaker students to drop subjects or downgrade from H2 to H1 (for A levels) so as not to affect their school rankings.
Education is a holistic approach. By focussing solely on a few subjects, and language being set as less important, there's no difference in training animals.
What is the education minister treating Singaporeans as? Especially in his last statement:
'The worry is whether it could exclude someone from progressing in his educational pathway even if he did well in other subjects,' said Dr Ng in an interview with The Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao.
Then why do we need so many subjects at O levels or A levels (e.g. humanities) when ultimately, students do not necessary want to focus on humanities in the future? It would exclude someone weak in humanities from progressing in his/her educational pathway as well!
How about someone weak in maths, but plan to further his studies in Chinese Studies, or perhaps in subjects like History at the uni level? Would the weightage in maths for him be reduced at O levels and A levels?
Dr Ng's reason holds no ground at all!
all subjects shd be given treated with equal importance and weightage, at least at pri level.
respect of the language (shd be, own mother tongue) shd not be suppressed or give way to other "more impt" subjects.
it is not good to let them have the mentality tt, since it's not going to affect my aggregate much, i shall put in less effort. it's a learning attitude issue, not the subject.
instead of helping to improve the standard of the language, this oni aggravates the situation
This is a Public announcement,
The idea of Higher Chinese requirement was because of entering China market, who many see it as the a future economy powerhouse, but since the PRC chinese are learning free English language now, and more are getting afluent to English and speaking well with an America accent. Chinese will not be that critical anymore.
Thank you
Perm Sec for MOE
This is all due to Lee Kuan Yew.
Mother tongue weakening, corruption of languages, foreigners laugh at us for poor standards.
All of these are all because of Lee Kuan Yew.
at least you got someone to blame here. in parts of mynamar, you can't even blame the govt even if you end up eating soil and roots
Originally posted by angel7030:at least you got someone to blame here. in parts of mynamar, you can't even blame the govt even if you end up eating soil and roots
angel7030, why you disrupted the topic again?
Originally posted by angel7030:This is a Public announcement,
The idea of Higher Chinese requirement was because of entering China market, who many see it as the a future economy powerhouse, but since the PRC chinese are learning free English language now, and more are getting afluent to English and speaking well with an America accent. Chinese will not be that critical anymore.
Thank you
Perm Sec for MOE
wait long long lol..... even Singapore youth are taught by teachers either talking Singlish or emulating British English...
Accents are something that is picked up from young.
Kind Regards
Originally posted by angel7030:This is a Public announcement,
The idea of Higher Chinese requirement was because of entering China market, who many see it as the a future economy powerhouse, but since the PRC chinese are learning free English language now, and more are getting afluent to English and speaking well with an America accent. Chinese will not be that critical anymore.
Thank you
Perm Sec for MOE
wait long long lol..... even Singapore youth are taught by teachers either talking Singlish or emulating British English...
Accents are something that is picked up from young.
Kind Regards
Originally posted by Fuck PAP & Lee Kuan Yew:angel7030, why you disrupted the topic again?
because i want you to calm down, take care of yourself and health, do not get angry or frustrated over something that you cannot change.
Originally posted by angel7030:
because i want you to calm down, take care of yourself and health, do not get angry or frustrated over something that you cannot change.
But I more pissed by you disrupting topics.
Come on angel7030, you want to support PAP can, but don't derail the topic.
cut mother tongue?
ar who tongue will be cut off by
Originally posted by Genie99a:
wait long long lol..... even Singapore youth are taught by teachers either talking Singlish or emulating British English...
Accents are something that is picked up from young.
Kind Regards
Dear Sir/Mdm,
With regard to lower weightage for PSLE Chinese, my statement is to reinforce that the reason behind it is that China Chinese are taking on english, therefore in near future, our young will be able to communicate English with them, with this in view, our education system must re adjust the weightage of Chinese lower, but that does not mean we completely take off chinese.
Hope everything is clear and in order
Thank you
Perm Sec
The Republic of Singapore, under its first and only Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, has become an island of democracy, stability and prosperity in Southeast Asia. Lately, however, Statesman Lee has been making some unstatesmanlike moves against the press.
Early this month, Lee jailed four top staff members of the 131,000-circulation Nanyang Siang Pan (Commercial Daily News), one of the island's largest Chinese-language dailies. He said the paper had been "glamorizing Communism and stirring up Chinese chauvinism." The four men, arrested under internal security regulations, have not yet been charged with any specific violation of the law. They have been denied access to an attorney and are still in jail; no trial has been scheduled.
Five days after the arrests, Lee announced that the Eastern Sun, a pro-government English-language tabloid, had received $1.3 million in financing from Chinese Communist agents. Lee claimed that the Communists had allowed the Sun (circ. 6,000) to pursue an anti-Communist editorial policy to deflect immediate suspicion and give China a foothold in Singapore. When the Sun's publisher, Aw Kow, refused to deny the financing charge, the entire editorial staff resigned and the paper folded. Unlike the Nanyang Siang Pan editors, however, Aw Kow has been neither charged with a crime nor jailed.
Raw Power. Lee's actions, some Singaporeans believe, were motivated by his sensitivity to the racial balance in the republic. Three-fourths of Singapore's 2.1 million citizens are Chinese, the rest Malays, Indians and Pakistanis. A fervid believer in the merits of Western-style education, the Cambridge-educated Prime Minister had been under fire from Nanyang Siang Pan for allegedly downgrading Chinese language and culture in the schools.
The ethnic issue does not, however, explain the plight of Lee's latest victim. Still in its first year of publication, the lively English-language Singapore Herald (circ. 16,000) has been critical of Lee on many issues, including a ban on press coverage for the rehearsal of a military parade, where many onlookers took pictures.
Last week Lee called in the still-functioning press to watch some raw political power at work. Flanked by profusely perspiring Hendrik Kwant, manager of a local Chase Manhattan Bank branch, Lee smilingly announced that the bank is foreclosing on a $311,000 loan to the Herald. Lee has also pressured the paper's principal backer, Hong Kong Businesswoman Sally Aw Sian, to prevent her from putting in new financing, without which the paper may stop publication this week. The bland-uncritical Straits Times and its afternoon paper, the New Nation, will be the only English-language dailies left; there are nine more Chinese-and other-language dailies.
Lee's justification for his offensive against the press: "I think that in every democratic country freedom is limited. If you say you want complete freedom in an emergent country, I can give you two examples: one is India, another is Ceylon. Both countries are now in chaos." The dying Herald replied in a frontpage editorial that Lee had "erred beyond caution . . . we ask only to be able to tell the truth and to have the right to live with dignity."
Originally posted by angel7030:
Hope everything is clear and in order
Thank you
Perm Sec
This is a Public announcement,
blah blah blah ----- the PRC chinese are learning free English language now, and more are getting afluent to English and speaking well with an America accent. ----blah blah
Thank you
Perm Sec for MOE
wait long long lol..... even Singapore youth are taught by teachers either talking Singlish or emulating British English...
Accents are something that is picked up from young.
Kind Regards
While Malaysia steeled itself for possible combat against Sukarno, Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew moved to crush anti-Malaysia Communist dissidents in his teeming island state. Less than 24 hours after Lee's People's Action Party scored a smashing pro-Malaysia election victory, his government started proceedings to deprive millionaire Communist-Fronter Tan Lark Sye of his Singapore citizenship. A China-born rubber tycoon, Tan, 67, helped found Singapore's Nanyang University, turned it into a hotbed of Communism, encouraged students to be campaigners, speechwriters and street-corner bullyboys for extreme-leftist political candidates.
Led by tough security agents of the new federal Malaysian government, Singapore police then tackled the university itself. In a dawn raid, dozens of government policemen smashed through a gauntlet of stone-and-bottle-heaving students at Nanyang, broke down dormitory doors and took into custody five student suspects under a security law that permits "subversives" to be arrested and held without trial.
Throughout the city, cops rounded up twelve other youthful, Red-lining agitators, also arrested three Communist-front candidates defeated in the elec tion, including the Chinese journalist who had run against Lee himself.
"Harry" Lee was happy to see the agitators locked up. But fearing that they might become martyrs to students and intellectuals among Singapore's overwhelmingly Chinese populace, Lee hastily issued a statement pointing out that the university crackdown was sponsored by the federal police, who under the terms of the new Malaysian constitution are now responsible for Singapore's internal security. "So long as this security action is directed against Communists, we consider the action of the federal government to be justified," he declared, adding reassuringly, "The Singapore government will, as in the past, safeguard Chinese education."
The former Soviet state will not be promoting Russian to official language status, writes DEAGLÁN DE BRÉADÚN
IRELAND MADE a “mistake” in recognising English as the second official language and this would not be repeated in his country, said Volodymyr Lytvyn, speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, in Dublin yesterday at the end of a two-day official visit.
Language rights are a major political issue in Ukraine where Russian is denied official language status despite the large proportion of the population for whom it is a mother-tongue.
Recently elected Ukraine president Viktor Yanukovych came in for criticism in Moscow this month after announcing he would not promote Russian as a second state language.
Mr Lytvyn said: “We must not repeat the Irish mistake. Nowadays, the English language is dominant in Ireland. So if the Russian language would be recognised as a second state language in Ukraine, in such circumstances the Ukrainian language will be moved to the periphery.
“That is why I am convinced that Ukraine should have only one state language. At the same time, the rights of the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine should not be violated.”
Ukraine has a population of 46 million: “The majority would consider Ukrainian as the mother-tongue but a great amount of the population speak Russian. The Russian language dominates on the TV programmes and in the mass media in general. A certain psychological barrier exists when the Russian language is considered to be the most prestigious one.”
When it was pointed out to him that native Irish-speakers were a small minority in Ireland and therefore recognition had to be given to English, he replied: “There were not many French-language speakers in France in the 19th century but they [the population] were forced to speak French at that time.”
so, logically, let's destroy chinese language and use english as dominant language.
What better way for nation building then to impose an alien language upon the population?
Tajikistan's president has proposed banning the Russian language from being used in public institutions and official documents, a move he said would promote the development of Tajik and bolster patriotism in the country.
" Emomali Rakhmon said in a televised address late on Wednesday.
hmmm..1971..i also dunno where i am lor..please lah, uncle, up till down you still dunno what LKY hates...there are 3 things that alway frustrate LKY
1. Defamation by it be news, newspaper, rallies or showtalks, be if foreign or local
2. Illegal gathering of 2 or more peoples preaching politics
3. Diversion of PAP MPs and Ministers
Other things like pubs activities, drinking, smoking, etc etc is no matter to him.
no matter one dislike or like LKY
his legend always continue
any kindergarden kid already
know who our Great immortal LKy is
I rem during my Pre School
Teacher asked What L stands for
I say dun know
She told me must rem tis L is for LKY
SINGAPORE is a "freak", because it is lacking in terms of geopolitics, economics, size, population and culture, said former communist leader Fang Chuang Pi, dubbed the"Plen" by Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
He added that, in his assessment, the country had "narrow room for manoeuvre in various areas and will run into difficulties in future".
He gave this assessment of Singapore as an unnatural country, a freak of history, in an interview with Malaysia's Chinese-language newspaper, Nanyang Siang Pau, in which he disclosed that he had discussed the Republic's prospects with the Senior Minister when they met in Beijing in August 1995.
Mr Fang and his wife at the interview in
Thailand. Pic/ Nanyang Siang Pau
He told Mr Lee: "I said that Singapore was a 'freak', but a 'freak' was often a genius, and most geniuses died young. For in terms of geopolitics, economics, size and population, Singapore is congenitally deficient."
The two men also discussed the issue of culture, he added.
"It is like duckweed, floating at the harbour. When it absorbs fertilisers, it will flourish very quickly. But once it rains and floods set in, it will perish," he said in an interview conducted in a restaurant in Haadyai, near the Thai-Malaysian border.
Originally posted by noahnoah:
no matter one dislike or like LKY
his legend always continue
any kindergarden kid already
know who our Great immortal LKy is
I rem during my Pre School
Teacher asked What L stands for
I say dun know
She told me must rem tis L is for LKY
L is for Ladio and Liew Lian~~~
Originally posted by noahnoah:
no matter one dislike or like LKY
his legend always continue
any kindergarden kid already
know who our Great immortal LKy is
I rem during my Pre School
Teacher asked What L stands for
I say dun know
She told me must rem tis L is for LKY
I hv no doubt that few centuries later, some peoples will be worshipping LKY instead of General Kuan