Hi my son is going to Sec 3 next year....His school does not hv pure history..but pure geog. and lit. It is every students favourite to opt for Geog..and he being in the avg score might not be able to get into the limited place for geog. So he is left to take lit, which he is weak in.
We would prefer him to take econ or poa, but his school does not offer them. Am wandering - can it take either econ or poa as one of his subject combination ...but he attends his lesson privately...will the MOE support this or he must get approval from his school first....
When come to signing up for his O level, does the school has the right to reject it...as he is not doing the subject in his school.
Can someone advise on this issue.
Thank you
isn't it better to check directly with the sch and MOE?
must get approval.
yes, the school has the right to reject because he is taking O level as a SCHOOL candidate
back when i was an O lv candidate, i opted to take pure literature in Chinese as an O lv subject. Yes, i had to write a lot of appeal letters and see the HOD before it was approved. I had a reputation for knowing quite a bit about the arts, and I was one of the top students in the sec 3 cohort that year, which was why it was allowed. I didn't take lessons, (i was the only one taking that paper), and i ended up doing self-study and taking the exam.
as a school candidate, the school has every right to reject your son's application. It is entirely possible for him to register as an O lv candidate and then do self-study on the subject, but only with the school's approval. My advice would be to speak with his form teacher or perhaps even the principal.
I hope that helped you =) if you need to know more (because i had a lot of experience with working around the school system), just feel free to email me. [email protected]
Originally posted by Etan0065:Hi my son is going to Sec 3 next year....His school does not hv pure history..but pure geog. and lit. It is every students favourite to opt for Geog..and he being in the avg score might not be able to get into the limited place for geog. So he is left to take lit, which he is weak in.
We would prefer him to take econ or poa, but his school does not offer them. Am wandering - can it take either econ or poa as one of his subject combination ...but he attends his lesson privately...will the MOE support this or he must get approval from his school first....
When come to signing up for his O level, does the school has the right to reject it...as he is not doing the subject in his school.
Can someone advise on this issue.
Thank you
If your son is left with no choice other than to take up lit, let it be. Although I do not take lit, I understand that it is one of the subjects most sought after when your son goes to uni. Usually scholarships are awarded to students who achieve stellar results in the arts (eg. English literature, GP and History)
Hi, my son is weak in English..so lit is a no...no.. but school system is so restricted...and choices are always taken by the top students and the avg are left to take whatever is there..even though u are not up to the grade or have no interest in it.
If enough students appeals against having Literature as part of a combination, the school may be able to change it, especially since schools are so concerned about grades. Cannot have too many people failing Literature, even if it's just one class.
It happened to my school when a whole bunch of students and parents went to appeal the combination of Pure Chemistry and Pure Biology. That combination was changed to Pure Chemistry and Pure Physics (I'm still a bit angry about it till today, nice combination got changed ).
Originally posted by anpanman:If your son is left with no choice other than to take up lit, let it be. Although I do not take lit, I understand that it is one of the subjects most sought after when your son goes to uni. Usually scholarships are awarded to students who achieve stellar results in the arts (eg. English literature, GP and History)
Where did u ever hear that from?
Most scholarships are offered depending on what u study in uni and it has nothing to do with what u have studied before. There are some scholarships that are restricted for certain courses only but they are quite rare and only for people who have a real passion and intend to continue in that field. Most scholarships just looks at overall results and will cover study in any field except the longer and more expensive 1s like medicine etc