I shall attempt to try to write some common misconceptions or questions in physics that most students are usually wrong... Shall build on as I teach along...
This applies to both Os and As levels
1) Potential difference and Electromotive force
Usually, papers ask you to explain or define (e.g. CGS 05 O levels prelim physics paper 2, AJC H2 Physics 2009 Common Test question)
For a start, both are measured in volts. Both are also defined as the work done in bringing a unit charge somewhere. Difference?
Potential difference between 2 points is defined as the work done in bringing a unit charge across 2 points
Electromotive force is defined as the work done in bringing a unit charge around a complete circuit
2) Centre of gravity and centre of mass (2nd one is for interest)
C.G. is the point where WEIGHT of object SEEMS to act on (not Mass)
C.M. is the point where WEIGHT of object SEEMS to act on (not Mass) in a uniform gravitational field.
i think CG also make some student confused
is a point where WEIGHT of object SEEMS to act on. not MASS .
sorry eagle for hijacking? haha
Originally posted by yiha093:i think CG also make some student confused
is a point where WEIGHT of object SEEMS to act on. not MASS .
sorry eagle for hijacking? haha
Good one
added to first post
also have the . inertia dependent on mass. not speed.
also hav the... i forgot. just now bathing i tot of a few.