Hey guys and gals.. Just curious.. Where you ppl go to study? library? home? or somewhere else?
last time
always at home
'Camping' in my hostel room everytime its exam month
well, i study at like mac or something?just somewhere far away from home.
either mac or on the bus or on the train or at home or in school
esplanade rooftop on weekdays....
sec 1-3: home
sec 4 first half yr: home ; second half: school IT room, NLB, fast food restaurants
in school
anywhere but home
last time schooling time, at home...
home is the most conducive... got PC, got food, got drink...
dunno what youngsters r thinking...
go fast food outlets... so noisy with eating, ordering cashier counter...etc.
home sweet home
where there is peace and no disturbance
library (when i dun feel lazy)..
at home (if i feel lazy)..
esplanade lib.
Originally posted by Rednano:last time schooling time, at home...
home is the most conducive... got PC, got food, got drink...
dunno what youngsters r thinking...
go fast food outlets... so noisy with eating, ordering cashier counter...etc.
It is the very fact that the fridge and pc is at home that makes it the worst place to study
Originally posted by eeden.:esplanade lib.
Same here...
Mediacorp Studios Artist Lounge
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:Same here...
cafe or the lib tables?
Originally posted by eeden.:cafe or the lib tables?
Both... Usually I head to the classical music section de... Hungry then go cafe eat lorh... Music is my life !
Hotel 81.
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:Both... Usually I head to the classical music section de... Hungry then go cafe eat lorh... Music is my life !
classical music there got good seat meh?the seat all so not comfy one.