Was doing a project for my company, in the spec it state that the camera should have detection probability of at least 95%
How do i calucate to 95%
The Camera is to capture debris on the expressway, example dead animal, slipper. It is in Expressway therefore i cannot test so long, every stoppable is $$$, i need a effective way to test up to 95%.
Ayone got any ideal
do the test a thousand time, using the camera.
for each test, confirm the actual results with something else, say... a proven camera, or going there and see for yourself.
Originally posted by Bahadog:Hi,
Was doing a project for my company, in the spec it state that the camera should have detection probability of at least 95%
How do i calucate to 95%
The Camera is to capture debris on the expressway, example dead animal, slipper. It is in Expressway therefore i cannot test so long, every stoppable is $$$, i need a effective way to test up to 95%.
Ayone got any ideal
using Artificial Neural Networks to train your camera for image on the road
train through a thousand of image to reduce the Root mean square of the error
then use one white slipper on the same spot to see if the camera can detect
i think you have to check with image processing software developer who can sell you developing ware for that