Can someone pls recommend me ref books for maths physics chem and econs for a levels
Wouldn't really recommend... but from what I know
A levels
Econs: Textbook by John Sloman, though not absolutely necessary. You need more of case studies, and how to link up concepts with case studies. The newspaper is a good source.
Physics, Maths: Not necessary at all. All you need is your TYS and lots of questions to practice.
I didn't take chem at A levels.
Both books are available from Popular Bookstore.
Chemistry 'A' Level Study Guide
Chemistry Practice Questions (Ten Year Series)
I recommend the same for physics. It's blue in colour.
TS, if you do not have access to various JC notes and tutorials for "A" level Maths, Physics and Chemistry, Yellow reef publisher is a very good source.
Yellow reef publisher has a complete range of study materials ie study guide/effective guide/critical guide AND practice questions/challenging questions for each of the three subjects.
However, Yellow reef study materials on "A" level Economics are not as comprehensive ie yellow reef does not have a study guide on "A" level Economics and the case study and data response questions, essay questions are not comprehensive and extensive as in the case of the other three subjects.
For Mathematics, I find these books are useful:
1. H2 Mathematics - A Comprehensive Guide Volume 1
2. H2 Mathematics - A Comprehensive Guide Volume 2
For absolutely free content, you are welcome to refer to my website:
You may also like to download a set of summary notes by RJC's Mathematics Society at:
Please register as a member before you download.
Wen Shih
Thanks for the help guys! I will try to get these books...
@Lee: Do you mean to say that I should try to get other jc notes rather than ref books?
@Wee: the 2 books u have mentioned is from which publisher? 1. H2 Mathematics - A Comprehensive Guide Volume 1
2. H2 Mathematics - A Comprehensive Guide Volume 2
and I am not able to view the doc from scribd even after i register??...pls help
EPB Pan Pacific, check any public library whether these books are available or not first.
Could you pm me your email address so that I could send the summary to you? Thanks!
Wen Shih
TS, JC notes, tutorials and other in-house materials are prepared by a group of
very experienced JC lecturers and hence the materials are very exam-oriented for
"A" level exam.
For instance, the new syllabus of H2 Economics has emphasized on Singapore
Economy. This part of the notes on Singapore Economy eg Singapore government
ways of tackling externalities, Singapore interest rate, why Singapore does not use
monetary policy (as taught in many textbooks) and instead it uses exchange rate
policy to tackle inflation and recession and so on can only be found in JCs in house
materials (not in so called "A" level textbooks prepared by foreign authors)
as many JC economics lecturers are NUS honours and Master Degree
graduates who are locally trained and hence they are familiar with Singapore
In addition, many bookshops in JCs have compiled all the JCs Economics Prelim
Exam Papers and the model answers and essays as prepared by the JC lecturers
into a book.
There are many important points in the book that will help you to get an "A" in
Economics andthese points cannot be found in books like Sloman. Furthermore,
the book also shows how the marks are given for the essays ie how the essays
will be marked by the JC lecturers who follow a marking scheme as provided by
the Cambridge examiners.
Be positive and passionate, you will excel in your studies.
PS : Each JC notes and in house materials has its strengths and shortcomings.
So, it will be good to have access to various JC notes and in-house materials.