We are nearing the end of the 1st semester and they still haven't put the TYS on sale...
So late one meh? Last year(My O level batch) I got quite early in the year. Otherwise you can try POPULAR or other bookshops.
Due to the fact that this year's o level examination is set by the oxford university, which is different from the past ten years, therefore the next tenyear series will be published ten years from now
I heard this year is oxford ar? real or not?
I heard from my students, they'll be publishing after March. :-X It's rather late.
Originally posted by MyPillowTalks:
Due to the fact that this year's o level examination is set by the oxford university, which is different from the past ten years, therefore the next tenyear series will be published ten years from now
I heard this year is oxford ar? real or not?
Really meh? I tot is cambridge?
If true then become GOE 'O' levels...
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:Really meh? I tot is cambridge?
If true then become GOE 'O' levels...
i duno also
i onli heard it from my friend, who says he heard it from his friend's father's brother's friend's girlfriend's duno whowhowho wad wad wad
For those confused by rumours about Oxford taking over, see the truth for yourself :
(Study carefully the syllabuses for the 2009 and 2010 subjects, the University in charge is mentioned.)
walau eh... so late still not out yet... what are they thinking!!!
Why is it Cambridge?
Originally posted by Mikethm:walau eh... so late still not out yet... what are they thinking!!!
actually old ones are about the same wad.. why don't use the recent old ones? For my Os, i did 08/07/06 TYS :D
A call in early March to the TYS publisher says the publisher has not received the licence from the MOE to publish this year TYS yet.
So, students, teachers and tutors have to wait long long for TYS this year lor.
The old ones are not the same.
For E Maths, the old paper 1s are meant to be without calculator usage. And the syllabus is a little different.
For A Maths, the old ones' syllabus is quite different.
As it was last year, I have to resort to multiple TYS. Old AM1980-2000, older AM TYS for advanced trigonometry, ShingLee TYS for 2001 to 2007. Dyna Paper by Paper TYS...and a good assessment book for circle equations and geometric proof etc.
And yup I made a call to Dyna and found that they still haven't receive the license to publish. Quite worrisome for me if they don't get the license fast as it mean a lot a lot of work for me. It would mean that I have to recompile the 1980 to 2008 questions using MS Office... OMFG... just the thought of it is enough to make me faint.
use the 2008 schools prelim papers first lor