Given that α and β are the roots of an equation x2 - 4x + 2 = 0. Form an equation whose roots are α2 + β2 and 2αβ. How do i do this question?
find α and β lor
if u solve the eqn, α,β = 2+2^0.5 or 2-2^0.5
so you eqn will be (x-α2)(x-β2)(x-2αβ)=0
From x2 - 4x + 2 = 0, you can find α + β and αβ yes?
To form the new equation, you need to find
1. sum of roots = (α2 + β2) + 2αβ = (α + β)2 yes?
2. product of roots = (α2 + β2)(2αβ) = { (α + β)2 - 2αβ } (2αβ) yes?
Try it, thanks!
Wen Shih