Hi, I am currently taking triple sciences. However, I am thinking about whether I should drop Pure Biology and take just the 2 other pure subjects instead or simply go for Combined Chemistry-Biology and Pure Physics. I can do with either choices but I thought if I combine them, I'd still expose myself to all 3 sciences, thus widening my choice of science subjects when I go JC.
PS: For Combined Practical, do you have to take them 2 times or just 1 time? (eg. For Chem and Bio practical or they are all in one?)
Ok. I believe the practical tests are separated.
Why wouldn't you want to do all 3 pure sciences? They are not that tough if you were to put in a lot of effort.
If I were you, I will take pure Physics and combined Bio and Chem. If you want to take science in JC, you will only need some exposure to the science subject itself.
Because everything will be taught from scratch in JC again. But if you were to take combined science, I think you can't take triple science in JC. Think so lah.
Maybe you would like to take pure Biology and combined Chem and Phy. That's what I took anyway. Haha.
Originally posted by d3sT1nY:Ok. I believe the practical tests are separated.
Why wouldn't you want to do all 3 pure sciences? They are not that tough if you were to put in a lot of effort.
If I were you, I will take pure Physics and combined Bio and Chem. If you want to take science in JC, you will only need some exposure to the science subject itself.
Because everything will be taught from scratch in JC again. But if you were to take combined science, I think you can't take triple science in JC. Think so lah.
Maybe you would like to take pure Biology and combined Chem and Phy. That's what I took anyway. Haha.
I love the 3 sciences. Pure Physics and Chemistry are fun but the thing is Biology. I don't wish to give that up but for combined sciences, it'd require me to "sacrifice" another science subject. It just so happened to be Chemistry. But I will still do pure questions more than combined ones. :D
Haha. Then continue taking the 3 subjects lor. Just screw one up.
Erm, I mean focus less on Biology.
Originally posted by d3sT1nY:Ok. I believe the practical tests are separated.
Why wouldn't you want to do all 3 pure sciences? They are not that tough if you were to put in a lot of effort.
If I were you, I will take pure Physics and combined Bio and Chem. If you want to take science in JC, you will only need some exposure to the science subject itself.
Because everything will be taught from scratch in JC again. But if you were to take combined science, I think you can't take triple science in JC. Think so lah.
Maybe you would like to take pure Biology and combined Chem and Phy. That's what I took anyway. Haha.
combined sci can take triple in JC...i'm one example
tot jc now no more triple? gt some weird combis
I presume you have little problems with maths and humanities since you didn't mention them.
The trick to scoring is what you are currently doing, questions drilling. You can do it open book during practice as well. But questions drilling also requires you to throughly understand the question itself, understand why the answer is done or calculated this way etc.
Since you love the 3 sciences, you should continue on as pure sciences. As per a discussion earlier on, when taking combined science, you are actually doing more work/studying per subject than taking 2 pure sciences. Only thing is, you will find it easier to score because you compete against students who are not that good in science as well.
My strategy, if I were you, would be to continue with the pure sciences. Assuming you score well for pure physics (A1) and pure chem (A1), and ok for pure Bio (B4), it's to me a better score than if you score well for pure physics (A1) and combined science chem/bio (A1).