Can DAE posting results be appealed?
What do you mean? Do you mean right after you try out fro DAE and they didn't send you a letter after you went for the interview OR do you mean ofter you recieve your O level results and wish to appeal?
do you mean ofter you recieve your O level results and wish to appeal? <- this is JAE.
they didn't send you a letter after you went for the interview <- interviews ones are on DPAE.
what i did was submit application online, send out those results slips then wait for reply.
by march they say will reply.
but i was thinking, if im rejected, any chance of appealing?
Can, but must wait and risk strangled.
can appeal against DAE posting results one arh?
i try searching across those poly web sites but cant find any.
anyone can help?
I'm not really sure. But you'll have to ensure that if your appeal fails there'd still be a place given to you in the poly which offered you the place, or you'll end up at some weird place if both sides reject you......
so anyone know of any information?
y don you call up the sch to check
ya lor... call the poly... isnt it a faster, direct and official answer... than waiting here...
JPSAE or what?
DAE appeal
Direct admission exercise ended long ago. I don't think can appeal.
Joint admission exercise appeal too, ended.
i know ended long ago
JAE has nothing to do with me.
what im saying is when the DAE results come out, can it be appeal?