Hi I have serious difficulties in determining whether a circuit is in serious or parallel form. I am referring to those circuits with very complicated branches, etc. Due to this, I can get stuck in calculating resistance in such circuits. I would be more than glad should someone help me out. ( it would be good if you could circle out parts of the circuits which are in series or parallel to better allow me to visualise) Below are some circuits which I had a hard time calculating resistance.
In desperate need of help. Lastly, Thanks all!
Both pictures are the same.
2ohm resistors are parrellel to each other. 6 ohm resisters are parrellel to each other. The 2ohm resistors (both 2 of them) are in series with the 6 ohm resistors (both of them).
A way to distinguish if they r series or parrellel is to look the the flow of current. Assuming current coming from the LEFT side, it split into 2 at the first T-junction, so current if equal in both the 2 ohm resistors. Current then rejoin back together at the next T-junction. Because of this split, both the 2 ohm resistors are in parellel.
Total resistance in the curcuit will be:
[2ohm] R = 1/(1/2 + 1/2)
[6ohm] R = 1/(1/6 + 1/6)
[Total] R = 1/(1/2 + 1/2)+ 1/(1/6 + 1/6)
for a moment, I thought this was a thread on complex numbers in electrical circuits -.-"