Hi there (:
My topic has gone for no reason T_T(my 1h work) Nvm. I'm not panicking.
Um, anyway.. I want to ask some qns about JC. I got a 12pts after deduction for CCA bonus pts.(B3-English, A1- Maths, A2- A.Maths, A2- Chem, B3- Physics, A2- Comb. History. = 6 subjects on total). I'm a foreigner and with no mother tongue subject. I live in Sembawang and Yishun area. And I'm presently posted to TPJC now. This was a brief profile of me
So there are qns.
Firstly, actually I wanna appeal to other JCs. I have so far appealled for AJC, NYJC. I'm going to appeal for MJC and SAJC. Is it unwise to appeal too many JCs like I do? I'm quite anxious that JCs might not like ppl like me and think I'm fickle or something. I wanna go appeal because TPJC is really far from my house. Of course, I can just go to YJC but I dont feel like going to YJC. I kinda feel that it's such a waste for ppl with a good results to go to lower levelled JCs than their actual levels. But what do you think about this? Better JC or Nearer JC? Might have to consider moving to YJC if all my appeals turn out to be failures. It takes me 1hr and 10mins to get to TPJC, by the way. AJC, NYJC, MJC and SAJC are all nearer than TPJC from my house(within 1h).
So qn here is what if I appeal for those JCs? Are there any possibilities that I can get into any of thoes sch? Or shouldnt I appeal for so many?(if 4 appeals are excessive). Actually, I have the highest expectation on getting in MJC since it was my first choice in JAE. Does the fact that I chose MJC as a first choice help me get in the sch?
Secondly, talking about CCA, I'm not sure of what CCA i should take. I was a computer club CCA member in Sec Sch. But it was very boring and none of my interest. I'm kinda into sports. I wanna play soccer or table tennis in JC. But I'm quite worried if it tires me out when I'm stressed with a lot of sch work already in JC. So i kinda dont know whether it's a good idea to take sports CCA. Of course it might be good for your body coz you have no time to exersize during studying in JC. Also heard that sports CCA ends at most till 10 pm. It's quite horrid. I'm worried if I dont have enough time to study and sleep. Is taking a sport CCA a bad idea?
Thirdly and most urgently, it's about the subject combination. I was quite sure that I'm gonna take H2 Maths, Chem, Physics and H1 History. But I kinda changed my mind after I heard from my friends that Physics is really challenging. Since I'm not strong at Physics, I am considering taking H2 econ instead of Phy. What do you think about these subjects? Is Physics really difficult? My english isn't very good. So isnt it difficult for me to cope with H2 econs? What's your advice for me here? T_T
I'm kinda rushing already after my first draft's just gone for good -_-
Thank you for reading this!
Pls share your knowledge and experience(esp, TPJC students pls!)
Looking forward to a quick and clear ans! Tmr have to go to schT_T
Thank you(:
Tmr are we gonna select the subject combination? T_T.. help me pls. I cant decide at all..
pls teell me what u mean by first draft lol
In my opinion, its worth a try to appeal for the better JCs. But if cannot get in, go YJC. TPJC isnt going to look amazingly better in your resume anyway.
I am in roughly the same situation as u, except tat i got posted to my 4th choice- poly and i gt a2 for physics and i take more subjs and i take mt.
I feel that time saved on transportation can help your studying alot in the long run. If u save 30 mins to and 30 mins fro, u save like 20 hrs in a month and 240 hrs in a year. If u use this time on studying or resting, youll achieve alot more.
However, you have to judge between this and the downside of going to a nearer jc(in this case it means going to a lousier one). You will have worse school environment, perhaps worse teachers, worse support for learning. Of course in any jc, there are always good students; just need to find them.
I am also interested to hear more opinions. I have already appealed to 3 jcs so far. I am planning to appeal to a "lousier" jc just to get into jc.
Originally posted by HyuugaNeji:In my opinion, its worth a try to appeal for the better JCs. But if cannot get in, go YJC. TPJC isnt going to look amazingly better in your resume anyway.
your school wouldnt matter at all if your A lvl score is stunning enough. Conversely, if your scores is not going to be stunning, why bother going jc in the frist place.
I wrote for something similar to this post earlier. then after i saved reply it's gone =_= that was what i meant by the first draft lol.
Umm Thanks for the replies. And I know what you mean. Want to reply more but it's time for me to sleep. Have to go to sch tmr.
Wish you good luck with appealing!
HyuugaNeji// I'm not choosing a school for resume's sake. I'm looking for a better environment to study in. So it is not really impt that what looks more amazing in my resumes. I believe that RJC students with lousy results wont look more amazing than YJC students whoes results are better than them. The thing is I might slack if there are a lot of ppl who dont work hard in JC..
The reality is, whichever JC you go, in the end its the A level cert that matters. The employer won't really bother looking at which JC you are in, unless you're from the top 5 JCs which in this case its not. So really, be practical, you really don't wanna waste time when you're in JC. The work load is simply "oh my god".
If you really want that good conducive environment, I'd suggest that you pray that AJC accepts you. That's based on my experience. However for me i decided to go for a more balanced environment where there are the fun people, and the "mugger" people, and the college has a culture of nice people where people are not self centred, but simply are friends with everyone.
well im no whiz on this, but I reckon that right now in order to be successful in your appeals process, you definitely need a credible CCA track record, and in a discipline which can contribute to the school. This is so given that spaces are limited, and for the jcs u mentioned, there is always an over abundance of individuals competing for these limited slots. So I guess if I were you, while remaining hopeful, I would mentally prepare myself to be in TPJC, and go there tomorrow not with the attitude that I'm just going to stay here for a couple of days and be gone, but rather that you might be there for the long haul. Well, you do not want to make the same mistake as I did, and be disappointed at the end of the day. Such disappointment if not dealt with correctly will result in ruining ur JC life, both academically, aesthetically and socially. So, curb your enthusiasms, and enjoy yourself in TPJC and leave the rest to the system. I know it sucks not to get what you want, but that's life.
On what Simnatic says, the environment is important, no doubt abt that. But eventually it is up to U. How you play the game, to remain active in school and yet to preserve and persevere in your grades.. It's about adapting, and being able to get yourself to fit into the environment, regardless of where u end up.
Originally posted by Box_Slayer:I kinda feel that it's such a waste for ppl with a good results to go to lower levelled JCs than their actual levels.
ermm firstly, twelve points after deduction is not really considered good results anymore nowadays, with everyone competing so fiercely. for the junior colleges that you mentioned such as SA and Anderson, very hard.
secondly, there are no such thing as lower levelled jcs la,in Alvls it's more of whether you are willing to work hard rather than whether the school is good. so anyway good luck for your two years. you are going to have alot of fun i am sure.
Thanks guys. your comments're really helpful. ^^
If you like people to micro-manage your studies, that's a good place.
I abhor it thoroughly......
is physics really hard?
I would say if you are the logical type who's ok with numbers, it's a fun subject.