Well.. I want to appeal to transfer to another JC.
So my question is, Can I appeal to as many JCs as I want?
or do I have to pick up one and appeal to it?
My first choice for JAE registration was MJC. So, if I were to appeal to MJC, is there a higher possibilty to be granted than appealing to other JCs? or is the same regardless of the choices you made?
I got 12 poitns after deduction! Which JCs do you think I can appeal to and be grated?
My current JC is too far from my house T_T I really have to transfer.
PLS share your experience and knowledge^^
and answer my question (:
And give me any advice!
Thank you all.
these FAQs... go read your JAE guide books on www.moe.edu.sg ...
If possible, would you mind disclosing which area you live in so that the others can suggest suitable JCs for you. And which JC are you currently posted to? 2 points away might be a problem for MJC.
JCs are extremely well-connected and well-informed, so please do NOT appeal to as many as you wished, for you may end up with no school taking you in, because you are seen to be indecisive and fickle-minded in your appeal. Appeal only to the school you really want to go to and speak to the vice-principal or appeal staff-I/C if need be. Good luck!
Wen Shih
Originally posted by Rednano:these FAQs... go read your JAE guide books on www.moe.edu.sg ...
FAQs are standard procedures. Things are not standard in real life. For instance, anything in the FAQs suggest you can change JCs after a few months? Well, I did. After deciding I didn't like AJC, I changed to SAJC in May. All you gotta do is talk to the principal. Of coz, TS you should check the cut off of the JC you would like to appeal to. It should be obvious you dun appeal to JCs such as RJC unless you can contribute in some special ways such as you are Singapore under 16 table tennis champion etc etc. Appeal to JCs whose cut off you meet would be the safest. After all, your problem is distance isn't it? surely at least SRJC,YJC or JJC got one is reasonable nearby no?
FAQs are standard procedures. Things are not standard in real life. For instance, anything in the FAQs suggest you can change JCs after a few months? Well, I did. After deciding I didn't like AJC, I changed to SAJC in May. All you gotta do is talk to the principal. Of coz, TS you should check the cut off of the JC you would like to appeal to. It should be obvious you dun appeal to JCs such as RJC unless you can contribute in some special ways such as you are Singapore under 16 table tennis champion etc etc. Appeal to JCs whose cut off you meet would be the safest. After all, your problem is distance isn't it? surely at least SRJC,YJC or JJC got one is reasonable nearby no?
Yes man, you just reminded me, WHAT IF I AM NOT HAPPY WITH MY CURRENT JC? (Teacher-attitude wise, CCA wise, facilities wise...)
Well it quells my upstart anxiety at least. And before I get warned for derailing topics..., @OP, do this first:
If possible, would you mind disclosing which area you live in so that the others can suggest suitable JCs for you.
Credits to iamapebble.
EDIT: Since you say your posted JC is far from your house, I assume MJC is near your house, right? So why not try TPJC?
Wow you are in the same exact position as a friend of mine! Same points after deduction, appealing for the same JC and the JC he was posted to is too far from his house. Small world
On topic: Like the above poster, i think SRJC would be a good choice.