would anyone by chance know what 黄�水 and 碘酊 be in english along with the differences between the two. and by the way does 黄�水 contain iodine?
i kind of need to know for my project -- starch test. i tried translating it online, and all i got was "yellow medicine water"... courtesy of babel fish. -.-
not exactly very helpful...
oh and just out of curiosity, what would 红�水 and 紫�水 be in english?
thank you so much in advance :D
Originally posted by stuffedbears:
would anyone by chance know what 黄�水 and 碘酊 be in english along with the differences between the two. and by the way does 黄�水 contain iodine?
i kind of need to know for my project -- starch test. i tried translating it online, and all i got was "yellow medicine water"... courtesy of babel fish. -.-
not exactly very helpful...
oh and just out of curiosity, what would 红�水 and 紫�水 be in english?
thank you so much in advance :D
黄�水 is proflavine hemisulphate lotion
碘酊 is iodine tincture
the rest my 1st aid box dun have...
u can easily get this info from any pharmacies...
黄è�¯æ°´ï¼šæœ‰è¾ƒå¼ºçš„æ�€è�ŒåŠ›ï¼Œç”¨äºŽçš®è‚¤æ¶ˆæ¯’。浓度大时皮肤å�¯èµ·æ³¡ã€�脱皮å�Šå�‘生皮炎,个别还出现å�‘烧ã€�皮疹ç‰è¿‡æ•�å��åº”ï¼Œå› æ¤ï¼Œå¦‚用百分之五的碘酊涂抹皮肤时,ç¨�å¹²å�Žè¦�用百分之七å��的酒精擦去。
è¦�特别注æ„�的是,碘酊和红汞ä¸�能å�Œæ—¶æ¶‚抹在一个伤å�£ä¸Šï¼Œå› 为这两ç§�è�¯æ°´æ··åœ¨ä¸€èµ·æ—¶ï¼Œä¼šäº§ç”Ÿä¸€ç§�刺激性很强的碘化汞,ä¸�仅失去了原æ�¥çš„ç�è�Œä½œç”¨ï¼Œè¿˜èƒ½è…�蚀伤å�£ç»„织,引起溃烂。如人体å�¸å…¥ç¢˜åŒ–汞过多,还会å�‘生汞ä¸æ¯’
黄�水 acriflavine solution
碘酊 iodine tincture
红�水 mercurochrome
紫�水 gentian violet
thank you so much!
you guys rule