Hullos .
Im Currently stuck on my F&N Coursework A .
Teacher didn't offer any help ,
So here i am asking .
How do i make a Overall time plan for F&N coursework A .
I cant really think of An idea .
And i will really Really Appreciate it if you lend me a Sample of your own F&N Coursework .
I promise not to Copy & paste all of your things , because im currently in secondary 3 , and i need a sample to refer to .
Thanks !
Task Question -> Vegetarian Diet
Vegetarian Diets can be healthy and nutritious if they are carefully planned to include essential nutrients . Explore how you would help your vegetarian friend plan a meal.
Analyse the problem statement, i.e.
- What constitutes a vegetarian diet?
- What are the characteristics of a healthy and nutritious diet to a vegetarian?
- What is meant by 'essential nutrients'?
- What kinds of help are you giving? Notice that the word 'Explore' may imply that you need to look at different approaches.
- Who is that friend of yours?
Hope that will start you off. Jiayou!
Wen Shih
P.S. I used to conduct coursework assignments for Computing students, and I was also Supervising Tutor for Project Work.
Overall Time plan is actaully like a calender where you will put in what you plan to do for the year
My time plan is just a basic one, like on 7-13 jan - decide on the 2 task questions, 13-20 jan-do task analysis etc...
Do it in a table form for neater presentation
Some tips for your task question
I tink the most impotratnt thing is the High biological value and low biological value thing. u know lah, HBV mostly from meat products, and some from the tofu or nuts/legumes( i forgot already)
Task analysis: Why people become vegetarian, what do vegetarian eat....
MOST IMPORTANT: Be specific, are you focusing on lacto ovo vegetarian , etc...
YAY ! thanks for all your help .
LOL . all your suggestions solved LOTS of troubles for me ,
LOL , all your suggestions all so good,
i have to use a dictionary to find out whad are your talkin abt . LOL .
like , "high biological value , low biological value" ,
it entirely makes no sense to me . LOL =X
all of your suggestions did help me , and my teacher gave me a TA sample after i did 3/4 of it wrong . GRRR .
LOL . & wee_ws , whad do u mean by "who is that friend of yours ?"
Do i have to specify the name , or just vaguely say that he/she is whad kindof a vegetarian ?