no offence but how come 19yo just finish o lvl?
cause i last time retain mah. at sec 2 some more.
2009 i 19.
last time so damn playful -.-
then last yr(2008), when doing my sec5 yr, feel very sian diao with schooling alr.
30+ for o levels, i should consider commiting suicide huh?
Originally posted by limpper:cause i last time retain mah. at sec 2 some more.
2009 i 19.
last time so damn playful -.-
then last yr(2008), when doing my sec5 yr, feel very sian diao with schooling alr.
30+ for o levels, i should consider commiting suicide huh?
hey dont think of such things. ok lets say you enter army after o lvl. now army 2yrs already. so when you come out you will be 21. then maybe study poly=3 yrs. retake the subjects for o lvls as pte candidate when in ns if you cant go to poly. so when u graduate frm poly will be 24. you can come out work. or study a deg.
still study? shall see how lah.
thanks everyone for your advice =)
if you can study why not. u r not old.
Even if it is a 45 yr old man who is taking 'O' levels this year, we should respect him for his perserverence and willingness to upgrade instead of being condescending, judging him, or looking down at him.
You don't need society's respect. You only need your own respect. If you don't respect yourself, you cannot truly respect others. It's really all about self-responsibility. Be the change that you want to see in the world.
age is not the factor.
Its about yourself. As wad Ultima pointed out.
Think about it, and treat every obstacle as a stepping stone, U have at least an O lvl at this moment. When you serve your NS, dun let yourself down, take this as your first obstacle and strive under the situations/circumstances. Build yourself to be a better man, as a chinese saying goes, Real Gold Do Not Fear Fire.
You will come out NS different frm what you are now. But, How different, its all down to yourself. The battle is half won when u are confident, and no battle is lost until you admit defeat.
so i guess, the suggestion from forumers around here, says that i should go NS first?
speak to your family and consult their opinion too.
my suggestion. NS first. thats what i did anyway. and i benefitted greatly frm my experience in NS.
icic. ok.
i guess i shall make my final decision only upon recieving my results.
thanks guys!
anw, does anyone know of any courses that doesnt requires you to have maths and science?
i've heard that, that are actually 1 or 2 of them.
anyone know?
Get into a governement school no matter ITE or back to Secondary school first. Retake the O levels then ta da!
no news from anyone?
Originally posted by limpper:no news from anyone?
checked, need at least 26, and all courses require maths or science.
beside nursing, almost all need sci and maths leh.
no luck anywhere, anyone?
anyone know?
Nope but you can check yourself. Does psychology need math/science?
Good luck to all O level grads getting their results tmr.
God bless all who are getting their results. Whatever the results are, you cant change them(unless you pay some $$ for them to check) so just move on and make the best of what you have.
good luck everyone!
Those going JC can still use ExamWorld for free :D
im asking, anyone know of any courses that doesnt need maths and science?
actually hor,there are private school where u can retake O lvl course(full time) and they defer NS for you and even help u apply concession ez link..
There is 1 particular one in Yishun (which i dun wanna advertise cuz many claims it sucks)Right after O level release each year they will have an advertisement on straits times with the heading " retake your O levels?' and the fee for full year course is only about 2.5k(cheaper than most private schools and with longer teaching hours ). Might worth a try..
im not into re-taking O
then what are your plans?
see got what courses that doesnt need maths and sci de lor.
if not then NS le.
no more choices.