UltimaOnline - Let's just say that I work in a multi-disciplinary area; my PhD area was at the interface of physics, chemistry and biology. History and economics are just my interests, to put it simply.
Originally posted by Takchek:UltimaOnline - Let's just say that I work in a multi-disciplinary area; my PhD area was at the interface of physics, chemistry and biology. History and economics are just my interests, to put it simply.
Yes, that's pretty much what I gathered from your blog entries (including the ones in which you were in the process of deciding whether to stay in academia or leave). A chemical engineer (hence intimacy with chemistry as well as thermodynamics) whose PhD work involves physics and biology.
And (especially after reading more of your blog entries) I understand and respect your reservations and preference for (relative) anonymity. We'll leave it at that.
Though I'd like to highlight a couple of entries from your blog, that I think are useful perspectives (ones that I do not disagree with) to share with students here in Sg :
For all students who are keenly interested and/or are seriously considering pursuing a lifelong career in Science (eg. medicine, engineering, research & development, etc), and/or are weighing your options of Singapore-vs-Overseas, the following are worth noting.
Stressed-out varsity applicant? Check.
Originally posted by onigiri:i guess i belong to D (waiting your 'A' level results to apply for University). =)
Which course are you interested in? (Science vs Finance?) What are your career goals?
'A' level results should be in late Feb or early March.
Originally posted by Garrick_3658:Know that people like david, maith, and me will always be grateful to those who helped us tide over our O levels last year, though it was more of a last-minute work :P
I am actually slacking, waiting for results. Confirm put up weight liao. jialat.
And I haven't got a clue which JC (hopefully) or poly to go to.
I can't find the old thread, ultimaonline can you re-post the link? It is something about the jc syllabus. you even told me not to break into the school and attend their study camp. Do you remember?
what me,i no last minute work ok. Just..asked questions to make sure
Anyway,i wonder if i choose designing courses in polys for example digital effects,game developments,do i need to go for a interview and show my portfolio and stuff?
why so many pple like to go into game development nowadays?
I have a sec 4 student currently who wants to go into it too...
thanks ultimaonline.
and eagle, it's a guy's second nature to dig high-tech toys and sports. Although I am not so into it (but I'm a 100% guy OK!)
I could see my student so enraptured when I described to him how I hacked maplestory last time, and how his learning of mechanics in physics will aid him greatly in creating good games
Originally posted by eagle:I could see my student so enraptured when I described to him how I hacked maplestory last time, and how his learning of mechanics in physics will aid him greatly in creating good games
Ahh, so in addition to a double income in the day, Eagle is actually an internet hacker by night (hacking into accounts of online games like maplestory, world of warcraft, lineage I & II, guildwars, everquest, lord of the rings, star wars galaxy, ragnarok online, runescape, dark age of camelot, dungeons & dragons online, ultima online, etc; all part of Eagle's impressive black-market resume), which means his total yearly income must be !!! (7 digits figure)
(kidding hor Eagle... sekali he not happy he hack into my SgForums account... )
Must tell stories to motivate otherwise unmotivated students mah
lol 7 digits, he'd wish, so that examworld will be so widely advertised and is able to reach out to every student in the world. Hell, they may even be implemented in schools as part of IT lessons.
Then it's a waste for hackers to waste their talent on hacking as they could have been great physicians. Although I know it takes more than knowing physics to hack
Originally posted by Garrick_3658:lol 7 digits, he'd wish, so that examworld will be so widely advertised and is able to reach out to every student in the world. Hell, they may even be implemented in schools as part of IT lessons.
Then it's a waste for hackers to waste their talent on hacking as they could have been great physicians. Although I know it takes more than knowing physics to hack
yup, but physics plays a bit.
Example... friction of characters.... controlling whether they slide, in the snowy lands vs non-snowy lands, or with or without the snowshoes.
Another example is gravity... and you could make characters fly without very low gravity.
If youre a hacker, you should hack the google ads.
If youre a hacker, you should hack the google ads.
Hi all, I'm new to this section of the sg forum. Currently active in the sg Buses and MRT forum. And yes I'm waiting for my O-Level results to be out next Monday! Wee~
My choices are:
If for JC & Uni: Master Geog and take URA scholarship
If for Polytechnic: Take up the Leisure & Resort Management Or Tourism & Hospitality course
Originally posted by CAIX:Hi all, I'm new to this section of the sg forum. Currently active in the sg Buses and MRT forum. And yes I'm waiting for my O-Level results to be out next Monday! Wee~
My choices are:
If for JC & Uni: Master Geog and take URA scholarship
If for Polytechnic: Take up the Leisure & Resort Management Or Tourism & Hospitality course
>>> If for JC & Uni: Master Geog and take URA scholarship <<<
That's quite a rare 1st choice among students. Are you taking Geog because you want to work in the URA? Or are you planning to work in the URA because you like Geog?
In my final year for undergraduate for bachelor of corporate systems management majoring in marketing.
Originally posted by UltimaOnline:
>>> If for JC & Uni: Master Geog and take URA scholarship <<<
That's quite a rare 1st choice among students. Are you taking Geog because you want to work in the URA? Or are you planning to work in the URA because you like Geog?
U see, here's my dilemma. I'm very interested in Geog or Geog related subjects, even though I've done well in my triple sciences. In sec school, I also took up an extra Pure Geog subject. But upon reaching Tertiary education here's why:
In Poly there's no such course as Geog and the closest-related is Tourism/Leisure. As for JC, I can take H2 Geog and proceed to the uni if possible. But In Singapore, people who graduate with Geog most commonly becomes a teacher, which I do not want. So I'm thinking of Urban Planning, which is from URA de. But getting a scholarship from URA is Real Difficult!
So are there any options for my future if I master in Geog? Some people says do sales/marketing of Geog stuff! lol.
Originally posted by CAIX:U see, here's my dilemma. I'm very interested in Geog or Geog related subjects, even though I've done well in my triple sciences. In sec school, I also took up an extra Pure Geog subject. But upon reaching Tertiary education here's why:
In Poly there's no such course as Geog and the closest-related is Tourism/Leisure. As for JC, I can take H2 Geog and proceed to the uni if possible. But In Singapore, people who graduate with Geog most commonly becomes a teacher, which I do not want. So I'm thinking of Urban Planning, which is from URA de. But getting a scholarship from URA is Real Difficult!
So are there any options for my future if I master in Geog? Some people says do sales/marketing of Geog stuff! lol.
Interesting. I suggest you email the Geography lecturers at NUS, and also URA staff, for advice on career options and scholarship opportunities, respectively.
Originally posted by CAIX:U see, here's my dilemma. I'm very interested in Geog or Geog related subjects, even though I've done well in my triple sciences. In sec school, I also took up an extra Pure Geog subject. But upon reaching Tertiary education here's why:
In Poly there's no such course as Geog and the closest-related is Tourism/Leisure. As for JC, I can take H2 Geog and proceed to the uni if possible. But In Singapore, people who graduate with Geog most commonly becomes a teacher, which I do not want. So I'm thinking of Urban Planning, which is from URA de. But getting a scholarship from URA is Real Difficult!
So are there any options for my future if I master in Geog? Some people says do sales/marketing of Geog stuff! lol.
You won't need to major in Geog in poly (if they offer) or JC in order to do so in university. In Singapore's context, I recommend that you go to JC rather than poly if you are unsure of what you want to major in university. Do well for the 'A's, and that would widen your options in university (be it admissions to the course of your choice, or the number of scholarships you are eligible to apply for).
Secondly, you don't need a scholarship from URA to work in URA after graduation, if that's what you want (and your viewpoints might/will change as you plod along your courses).
Suggested further readings:
Hey this reminds me. Can somebody tell me about the medicine degree? There are MBBS and MD. What are the differences? Would some degrees not be recognised in other countries? I am interested in studying medicine. XD
ok did some reseaerch realise they are equal. lol
If i get mbbs would i be able to be a doctor in a country which recongnises MD?
Originally posted by davidche:ok did some reseaerch realise they are equal. lol
If i get mbbs would i be able to be a doctor in a country which recongnises MD?
TakChek may have some advice for you about this. Wait for his reply.
Stressed-out varsity applicant? Check.
About doing Science in Singapore
Biomedical Engineering and US Med/Grad School
In addition, oxford mushroom is Singaporean medical doctor who studied in Oxford. You can PM him for advice.
Finally, you can ask around for advice on http://forums.studentdoctor.net which is an international forum for medical students and medical doctors.
Originally posted by limywv:I'm currently J2 this year... hmm taking
H2 chem, H2 physics, H2 econs, H2 maths
Doing just alright, but I have a sneaking suspicion that A levels are not going to be as easy as cake
haha at the risk of sounding obnoxious:
O levels: AAAAAAAA
A levels: ????
Jiayou jiayou
My sis also J2, taking exact same subjects as you. But this is the most common one nowadays anyway