I am designing some 'adverts' for examworld, and need you guys to choose some of the adverts you think that will catch people's attention, This may be pasted near the lifts(i know it is wrong, but we arenot earning, yet helping, so it balance out)
My photoshop currently is in coma and does not respond, so i can onli so some pattern with MS word, Please CONTRIBUTE ALSO
New stuff i came up with, after getting photoshop to work, more of new designs coming, hope u guys like it, i am not very good at photoshop
I prefer 2nd poster, cos there's an example to convince the reader.
If you take 2nd design, I suggest that you develop other variants for E maths, Bio, Phy and Chem.
Wen Shih
i agree
the 2nd poster is better
second one is good!
where is eagle when we need him most.?
Anyway, i prefer the second one.
Originally posted by turbo_drift:where is eagle when we need him most.?
Anyway, i prefer the second one.
Q: where is eagle when we need him most.?
added a new design
2nd design still more convincing to a traditionalist like me :P
Wen Shih
yay examworld rockszszxxzxzxz =)
2nd one looks like assessment cover :p in a good way of cos
oh yes assesment book cover
new idea, i can make a design advert out of that
new design added