Hi all,
I am conducting a survey on Instant Messengers in the workplace as part of my final year research project from University of London (UOL), UK. This survey will be focused on users who use Instant Messengers in the workplace. The aim of this survey is to explore various reasons regarding on the usage and adoption of Instant Messengers in workplaces.
If you do use IM for work, i would appreciate if you could take some time to do this survey.
This survey has 6 pages. It will take approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete the whole survey. The data collected from this survey is strictly for research purposes only. You will not be required to enter any information which will lead to you and your company being identified.
If you wish to see the findings of this research, you may choose to leave your name and email address on the last page. This will be kept confidential and it will not be placed in my final report to UOL.
Click on this link to start survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=YzpP_2f2zxLkX_2fAn8zlig3RQ_3d_3d
Thank you for taking time out to complete this survey. Your respond is greatly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Liew Di Jie
[email protected]
Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), Singapore
I apologize in advance if you think the survey is too long