I need some help in this law of tort issue here-
Which one of the following statements about tort and crime is false? |
Which one of the following is not required in an action for negligence? |
(i) nuisance
(ii) trespass
(iii) libel
(iv) negligence
John invited his friends to a party at his house and his friends created a commotion way past midnight. Who is responsible for this nuisance? |
What are the components of a reasonable warning notice? (i) It should be unambiguous. (ii) It should highlight the nature of the risk. (iii) It should propose a solution. |
Which of the following describe(s) a private nuisance? (i) The wrongful act must be more than ordinary everyday inconvenience. (ii) The wrongful act need not be recurring if physical damage occurs. (iii) The wrongful act must be assessed with reference to the surroundings at all times. |
Which one of the following does not explain why the case of Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) was a landmark case? |
Which one of the following is an example of exclusion of liability? |
What does Section 2 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 says? |
Which one of the following is not likely to get an occupier discharge from liability for faulty work executed by an independent contractor? |
Which one of the following scenario illustrates a legal omission to act? |
Which one of the following statements about the law of tort is false? |
Which one of the following is an act of trespass to chattel? |
Which one of the following constitute a trespass to person? |
Which of the following torts is/are actionable per se? | |||||||||||||
how much are you paying the lawyer for doing your homework?
I think TS should go NPP first and ask. Than repost the unanswered question...
Originally posted by chiobabelover:how much are you paying the lawyer for doing your homework?
I think he cannot afford...
What does Section 2 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 says?
That an occupier must ensure his lawful visitors are reasonably safe for the purpose of their visit.
That a person is liable if his negligent act causes death or personal injury.
That the purpose to be served, if sufficiently important, justifies the assumption of abnormal risk.
That a person is not liable if it is too costly and impractical to take precautions.
like all lawyers,
i charge 谈�费 one