Well, I'm one of those people whos not so optimistic about my coming A levels and so i just wanna see what you guys will do if *touch wood* your A levels did badly.
Of course retaking is an option for most la, but say you enlisting next year? then after your ORD then what?
Yeah of course you can go do some labourous job like sweep floor.. Zhng car.. pao kopi and so on, but come on.. any feasible options?
you should have asked yourself this question one year ago
u can apply to retake, as u said... or start working first... there are a lot of jobs that dun require degree but the starting pay of course will be lower. however, if u wish to pursue smth else but still wanna continue studying, u can try a private uni, or apply for a poly course. at least that's what some of my friends did. or u can apply for nie to teach at a primary sch. wish u gd luck for the exams though. hope u dun need to seriously consider all these suggestions...
retake while in army
Originally posted by eagle:you should have asked yourself this question one year ago
To the TS:
At the eve of the A Levels.... this is not the time to be thinking of the 'what ifs'.
There is no 'what if' at this point in time. Whatever back doors for the 'what ifs' have already closed a long time ago. Just focus on doing everything you can to do well for your A Levels. See it as 'I have xxx days to prepare for the A Levels, and there is no turning back for me, so I had better do everything I can in these xxx days'.
I speak harsh words, but I'm also not bluffing you, either. You knew the risks of taking the A Level route, and the sacrifice and suffering it involves.
If you consider the 'what ifs' at this point in time.... your heart will be in the wrong place.
And if you want to do well.... your heart must be forward-looking without considering all the worst-case 'what ifs'.
Originally posted by skythewood:retake while in army
ya. die then retake lor. for guys, we have 2 yrs to retake.
for girls, u can retake until u get accepted by uni.
I would suggest you retaking the subjects that matter the most. For eg. if you are going to finance, retake math.
I myself (in a JC) am not really prepared for the As and applying to a music school overseas as my only A would be from MEP and maybe GP.
Don't worry you can retake your SATs 6 times whilst in NS. ;) And apply to US.
6 times! money would be a problem man.
Originally posted by jaydunkfull:hello. im another a level candidate who knows i cannot make it already. just praying that i can make it to uni. if cannot, im thinking
1) get a job and retake a levels as private candidate. but ill be slower than my friends already, ok, which would be a very big blow to my ego.
2) change route and go poly, which i dont really want, because its like wasting 2 years in jc, since jc is supposed to prepare me for uni. and it means that maybe i cant go uni at all, and degrees are so important nowadays
3) appeal to repeat j2
i wish i never have to consider these options. but failing is very real for me. damn scared .i feel i studied damn hard already, but still no use.
1. Which is more important - your ego or your future?
2. If you mess your A Levels, you don't want to go to poly at all because it means that you wasted two years? Then you just want to hentak kaki and go nowhere? You would rather listen to your ego and do nothing than swallow your ego and do something?
3. Appeal to repeat J2.....? Not sure about this. In fact, right now, don't even think about this.
In the end, what I can say is this: for now, do NOT even think about screwing up.
Once you start thinking about the chance of screwing up, then your heart is not there. And once your heart is not there, then you are most likely to screw up.
So just focus on whatever time you have left to prepare for the upcoming exams.
retake lor
just go private uni
u got $$ everything settled
Originally posted by jaydunkfull:hello. im another a level candidate who knows i cannot make it already. just praying that i can make it to uni. if cannot, im thinking
1) get a job and retake a levels as private candidate. but ill be slower than my friends already, ok, which would be a very big blow to my ego.
2) change route and go poly, which i dont really want, because its like wasting 2 years in jc, since jc is supposed to prepare me for uni. and it means that maybe i cant go uni at all, and degrees are so important nowadays
3) appeal to repeat j2
i wish i never have to consider these options. but failing is very real for me. damn scared .i feel i studied damn hard already, but still no use.
studying hard and studying right are two different things
Originally posted by eimerz:I would suggest you retaking the subjects that matter the most. For eg. if you are going to finance, retake math.
I myself (in a JC) am not really prepared for the As and applying to a music school overseas as my only A would be from MEP and maybe GP.
Don't worry you can retake your SATs 6 times whilst in NS. ;) And apply to US.
SAT is only a reference.
the US unis u applied for will also want to look at your final yr results in school, which can either be prelims or A levels.
U can go to poly... if u have interest in the course...
Lol hey i'm just not the optimisitc kind, and this does not mean that i screwed up k.
But, Econs i'm especially not optimistic. Heck, A and B for math, chem and physics should be okay, hmm at most a C...
Scary la, my school say what if you rank points below 75 you have a low chance for local Uni, i not sure how credible is that la, or that it was the actual message, but its the message i get anyhow.
What I heard is that, from statistics, that if one has a rank point below 69, it would be rather difficult.
sign on ARMY
thje decisive force
okay. sign on army. then wad u do after u're forced to retire? beggar?
if i not wrong some us universities can take u just based on ur Os.
but of course la, it's not those top unis.
ok-ok ones i think.
what matters is that if u do well in yr 1 u can apply for a transfer to better unis.
Originally posted by mynastydrag:Well, I'm one of those people whos not so optimistic about my coming A levels and so i just wanna see what you guys will do if *touch wood* your A levels did badly.
Of course retaking is an option for most la, but say you enlisting next year? then after your ORD then what?
Yeah of course you can go do some labourous job like sweep floor.. Zhng car.. pao kopi and so on, but come on.. any feasible options?
All you waste in the end is a year, not a whole future. Just retake and study so hard, and then make damn well sure you pass. My friend failed his GP many years ago and he has since gotten his masters. I think it's a minor stumbling block you pay with time.
Originally posted by rs rs:okay. sign on army. then wad u do after u're forced to retire? beggar?
after you retire is around 40+. can sell insurance or drive taxi
Originally posted by NG QIBO AARON AUBREY:after you retire is around 40+. can sell insurance or drive taxi
Taxi driver 30 can liao....
haha can go SIMuni this is wad i aim for... i dont mind heading for a Private uni... besides SIMUni offers a wide range of degree course besides... GVOT SUBSIDIES! hehe... yeah applies to only local 40% and PRS 20% sub