Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:the paper is NOT moderated with HCL candidates.......
HCL secondary 3 candidates are taking 1162/01 and 1162/02.
Checked and compared scripts with them.
HCL secondary 4 candidates are taking different papers - 11xx (can't remembber)
Sec 3 and 4s(Normal CL) Taking Papers today are all taking 1162.
Sec 4s(HCL) were taking 1111. :)
We are taking about Candidates who are taking Chinese 1162 in Secondary Three.
They are those student who are taking Higher Chinese in 2009, hence they sit for Chinese Language 2 in Sec 3. If you don't know, the papers are bundled and mark together. After which moderated across the board like any 'O' level subject with 4E and 5NA.
Those students are in Secondary 3 Special. Thus, if they drop the subject of Higher Language, they will be dropped back to the express stream.
Usually, EOY papers are easy, but can you imagine how much those PRC Scholars are scoring in the normal chinese when it is simple for you? Hence, increase the overall chance of scoring. It become more and more difficult as those Sec 3s compo can be around 40-50 as usually, 50% of candidates to HCL are PRC.
This is what i'm being told from my teacher.
PRC good in chinese doesnt mean they're good in other subjects,especially english. So if they score well for chinese and get like A1,the rest of the subjects thy might get F9
When they take HMT, they will use it as L1 -_-''
Originally posted by Maith:PRC good in chinese doesnt mean they're good in other subjects,especially english. So if they score well for chinese and get like A1,the rest of the subjects thy might get F9
I don't concur with what you have said. I am in HCL and I find most of my PRC friends being seen on the same par as us. Besides when it comes to HCL, take note that most of them can't score as well sometimes. My PRC friends and I usually hit around the same range - B3/B3 for school based HCL paper. So, HCL paper isn't that easy to score. And you have to at least get a merit and no PASS for the O level paper in order to consider it as the L1 to be taken into account.
Originally posted by Maith:my sch need to pay $2 to replace a missing entry proof
My school is free of charge
that time the hod said $1 will be charged if u print for the 3rd time and above
but the GO ppl are nice, just print for free
Originally posted by Maith:PRC good in chinese doesnt mean they're good in other subjects,especially english. So if they score well for chinese and get like A1,the rest of the subjects thy might get F9
i got a cheena classmate who managed to get into a JC (L1r5<20) with the help of Chinese A1 Higher Chinese A2. now come in JC higher MT ppl no nid take chinese liao she no more chinese to take..now failing every subject... well..
Higher chinese was quite easy. The essay questions were quite straightforward but why did they have to choose a topic on taxis. My teacher was still warning us that 2 演讲稿 might come out for 应用文. Paper 2 was okay as well. If nothing goes wrong, should be able to achieve an A.