Yo hi guys. After geog paper 1's disaster(qn one came out flooding), whats your study plans for paper 2? Who here is going to study 3 topics? who study 2? who study ALL? XD
wa nobody here take human goeg on thursday?
hahahah, i studying chapt 1 & 2.
should be easy to study but the qn come out might be hard.
& jus in case i study food. if the Qn i study come out got map= GG.com
i dont know how to do map qn.
hope it would come out agn since physical geog hav
How about you?
I am doing tourism industry and devlopment. But i will not study the last part of tourism.
My rationale is that i just need to be able to do 2 lorms.
yup i also dont understand the eco tourism & substance able tourism
lol actually the fornt part of tourism rox man. So easy and understandable. At least for me.
Ok ill make a simple notes for development last part since it will be coming out for lorms quite impt.
Alleviating Uneven development.
Int'l Organisation
World Bank
-aid in the form of money(loans at little or no int.) or tech.
Used to improve lvl of dev. thru improving sanitation, and water supply.
*Kecamatan Development programme - largest community driven programme in the world. Benefitted 34000 villages across Indonesia.
Monetary grants are given to each village to pay for their own dev.
eg: sleepy tirtomoyo. - undergrd wells, high pressure pumps in pipes.
Asian Development Bank
Jamuna Multi purpose bridge project.- improve transport infrastructure.
Links northwest LD area to easter developed(D) regions.
Facilitate transport of good. Easier for farmers to reach their market. --> encourages economic growth in LD region(use world region)
Int'l Agreements.
UN Millennium Development Goals.
1) extricate extreme poverty and hunger
Vietnam- 58.1% in 1993 to 24.1% in 2004
Strategy is to train people in poor communities so that they have necessary skills to get a job.
2) Primary education for all - 72% 1999 to 89% 2004 in SEA
UNCLOS convention on the law of the sea
*Peru is a coastal LDC, relies on fishing industry.
Economic exclusive zone(EEZ) in peru sea. Prohibits other dc fishing boats with better equipments to fish the fishes.
limitations: not helpful for land locked countries like Bolivia.
National Development
*Parivartan Slum Networking Programme in India.
Local banks financed the project.
Provided with clean water supply, individual toilets, undergrd sewage and solid waste collection. => reduce spread of diseases.
Monthly meetings to review progress.
Proper support to teach them how to use the facilities and prevent them from getting dmged.
deathrates declined by 3.2% in 5 years of the iimplementattion. benefitted over 40 slums.
Improving education.
Thailand hilltribe communities. eg Karen ,Yao etc.
Rationale- teach read and write - able to find a job - upgrade skills thru training prgs.
Learning cenrtes built in each village.
Taught basic Thai and Maths. so that they can go city and get a job.
Also,... teach sustainable farming methods, result: production increased.(sucess)
Limitations: language barrier and isolated communites. Hard to reach everyone.
Population Control.
Over-pop leads to insufficient housing, food, education
*China - One child Policy in 1979.
Limitations: people in rural areas want to have more to have more help in farms.
traditional thinking that boy bears the family name.
Job creation and $$ assistance.
KALAHI (linking arms against poverty), Philippines.
Most involved in informal sector as they dont have education, however, not enuf resources to help that to dev. Many fail cos not enuf $$
-Microfinance for small businesses- small loans. expected to help 3 mil. businesses.
Assessed organisations
-Ultra poor given int free loans.
Given traning to run businesses effectively. Eg, they could attend traning courses on self employments. Skils traning in dress-making, slipper-making etc.
result: 600,000 agricultural jobs created.
1.7mil ppl got jobs thru job placement schemes.
Limitations: still a need to diversify products and skills. Need greater market access to have more ppl buying the products.
I think very few ppl take goeg?