32,31,30 shuld be lower ...
the bigger the number, the better wat..
for you maybe
i'm aimming for 30/29/28
nice dream
nobody wants to challenge my record.. how sad
i'm aiming below 20's this time was so close ....
yon93 u sec wat?
Well what I will urge you guys to do is to just go and do ur best with the remaining papers, and get it over and done with it, make merry, have fun, and leave the system to work itself out as theres nothing you could do about it anyway.
knn all humji dun dare score 54.
i dare u to score 54 at the real thing.
Originally posted by gunner77:nice to hear that.
actually im the top scorer in class
Originally posted by gunner77:my prelim best la
L1R4 = 31
L1R5 =39
who can challenge me?
Ur prelim L1R4 31?? Yet the top scorer in class?
My L1R5 for prelims was 9, L1R4 was 6. Yes, they are raw scores. None of my friends got above 27 points for their L1R5, and even then they were all upset and worried. Sorry to rain on all of your parades, but I'm honestly a little horrified by how people can boast about getting an L1R5 of above 40. I may sound catty, but seriously, get your act together. You have no idea how important this exam is.
From wiki:
Bonus points can be deducted from a student's raw score, thus lowering it. These bonus points may come from either scoring an 'A' or 'B' grade in CCA, taking Higher Mother Tongue Language and obtaining a minimum of 'D7', or through affiliation (for feeder schools). Bonus points are capped at 4, with exception for those applying to schools offering Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP) or Malay Language Elective Programme (MLEP).
However it has always been the case that a JC may not accept a student if his l1r5 after bonus is exactly the same as the cut-off
Originally posted by Theguiltshow:My L1R5 for prelims was 9, L1R4 was 6. Yes, they are raw scores. None of my friends got above 27 points for their L1R5, and even then they were all upset and worried. Sorry to rain on all of your parades, but I'm honestly a little horrified by how people can boast about getting an L1R5 of above 40. I may sound catty, but seriously, get your act together. You have no idea how important this exam is.
Whoa! L1R5 of 9.
Not bad, not bad at all. Was your school's prelim paper easy or are you all along someone with a higher academic talent?
Originally posted by Vendettus:Whoa! L1R5 of 9.
Not bad, not bad at all. Was your school's prelim paper easy or are you all along someone with a higher academic talent?
Haha I thought I was going to be bashed for saying what I said. Well, it was definitely much harder than O levels haha. Higher academic talent sounds so elitist. I'd just say I study in a pressure cooker, if you get my analogy :P
Originally posted by Theguiltshow:Haha I thought I was going to be bashed for saying what I said. Well, it was definitely much harder than O levels haha. Higher academic talent sounds so elitist. I'd just say I study in a pressure cooker, if you get my analogy :P
You're from a prep school then?
Originally posted by Vendettus:You're from a prep school then?
Haha no I'm in a mugger school with teachers whose jobs are to work us to death.
Lol anyone going hcjc? Come join me leh. To get into hcjc from my school is way much easier. Students who do not meet the required MSG of 3.0 will only have to get a L1R3 of 12. Anyway i got a L1R5 of 6 without deducting from CCA and HMT which i will be taking nxt wed. =D
In fact, you go to any JC is the same!
YJC SRJC NYJC CJC NJC or even RJC. In the end all qualified ones go into local university. Then, all will go back to square one and your past however-glorious JC identities would be hidden.
Tho the most important in JC is mixing with the right social friends. Even in RJ, you may mix with the wrong company and neglect your As.
But its all up to you which JC you wanna go.
Very very true.
My class challenged me.
I challenged back. I did well, in my opinion in JC.
But I kena pwned. My competitor became the JC top student KNN.
Originally posted by MyNameisNas:
Ur prelim L1R4 31?? Yet the top scorer in class?
"top" la
Originally posted by Theguiltshow:My L1R5 for prelims was 9, L1R4 was 6. Yes, they are raw scores. None of my friends got above 27 points for their L1R5, and even then they were all upset and worried. Sorry to rain on all of your parades, but I'm honestly a little horrified by how people can boast about getting an L1R5 of above 40. I may sound catty, but seriously, get your act together. You have no idea how important this exam is.
Much agreed. My L1R5 was 11 for Prelims, L1R5 was 7.
It's just childish, seriously.
Why not state your school before comparing Prelim's L1R5? Anyway they can't be used for admission anyway, so just take it as a "gauge" for your standard, Pre-O
I heard from my friend that Bonus Points from CCA and HMT will only come into consideration if your L1R5 raw score is the same as your competitor who also applied for the same JC. I am skeptical about this.
If it's true, does it mean that a student who got D7 for his CCA and does not take HMT, but scored a raw point of 9 can actually win a student who scored a raw point of 10, however A1 in both CCA and HMT ?? That'd be unfair.
Anyone who is familiar with the MOE system please verify, thanks!
If you're gonna score worse than someone who almost failed in CCA (this is very unlikely, unless that person is some kind of a geek who doesn't even do charity, then maybe the institute would reconsider) and no HMT, whereas you get A1 for both CCA and HMT and still get 10, then you "deserved" it (what they call it) for over-focusing on some aspects and not being an all-rounder.
I know this sounds offensive, but this is reality. Not some video games where you focus tech on one aspect and go around killing people.
Being an all-rounder always gives you an advantage.
///In my opinion
Originally posted by Garrick_3658:Why not state your school before comparing Prelim's L1R5? Anyway they can't be used for admission anyway, so just take it as a "gauge" for your standard, Pre-O
If you're gonna score worse than someone who almost failed in CCA (this is very unlikely, unless that person is some kind of a geek who doesn't even do charity, then maybe the institute would reconsider) and no HMT, whereas you get A1 for both CCA and HMT and still get 10, then you "deserved" it (what they call it) for over-focusing on some aspects and not being an all-rounder.
I know this sounds offensive, but this is reality. Not some video games where you focus tech on one aspect and go around killing people.
Being an all-rounder always gives you an advantage.
///In my opinion
Why, wanna see if our schools are good? :P
Anyway I actually think it's unfair that someone who gets bonus points for CCA and HMT but gets a higher raw score gets accepted into an institute, rather than someone who gets a lower raw score but without bonus points from CCA and HMT. I am aware it's the typical "education is more important" mindset though.
Originally posted by Theguiltshow:
Anyway I actually think it's unfair that someone who gets bonus points for CCA and HMT but gets a higher raw score gets accepted into an institute, rather than someone who gets a lower raw score but without bonus points from CCA and HMT. I am aware it's the typical "education is more important" mindset though.
My sentiments exactly.
Schools don't mean anything, is the individual standard that counts :D
Originally posted by Garrick_3658:Why not state your school before comparing Prelim's L1R5? Anyway they can't be used for admission anyway, so just take it as a "gauge" for your standard, Pre-O
If you're gonna score worse than someone who almost failed in CCA (this is very unlikely, unless that person is some kind of a geek who doesn't even do charity, then maybe the institute would reconsider) and no HMT, whereas you get A1 for both CCA and HMT and still get 10, then you "deserved" it (what they call it) for over-focusing on some aspects and not being an all-rounder.
I know this sounds offensive, but this is reality. Not some video games where you focus tech on one aspect and go around killing people.
Being an all-rounder always gives you an advantage.
///In my opinion
Nah, not offensive at all, cos that guy is not me.
I just feel that it is unfair to my foreigner friend who works really hard, he got all A1 except for English and English-related Combined Humanities. He wants to go same JC with me...
Before I tell him the truth, is your information reliable?