I need help to get the 4 poles in
where z is a complex variable.
Haha, Mas Selamat, why have maths problem again huh ? The expansion of 3 variables still cannot help you to escape from the detention house ? Need to learn more maths to plan the escape huh ?
ya lor...this time I need to be in the complex realm to be free of my troubles...
Oh, so you must be planning a very complex route of escape, understood. OK.
So, you need someone to help you with this complex maths question to plan the complex route of escape lah.
not sure if my method is correct
1 + z^4 = 0
z^4 = -1
z^2 = ±i
Since i = e^(iπ/2) using Euler's formula,
z^2 = e^(iπ/2) or z^2 = -e^(iπ/2)
z = ±e^(iπ/4) or z = ± i e^(iπ/4)
z = ±(cos π/4 + i sin π/4) or ±( - sin π/4 + i cos π/4)
change the sin and cos π/4 to 0.707 can le