Heat Question (Chapter 10) FEW Clarifications:
Which kettle allows water to boil first? Kettle A: Placed on top of a wire gauze supported by tripod stand and heated by a flame. Kettle B: Placed on another tripod stand heated by a flame WITHOUT wire gauze.
Ans is Kettle B because wire gauze allows heat to be conducted away faster.
HOWEVER, doesn't it make sense that Kettle A allows heat to be conducted via the wire gauze to heat up the water in the kettle whereas Kettle B does not as it lacks the wire gauze? So water in kettle A should boil first?
Which is the correct interpretation? Is my concept of conduction wrong?
A solar panel has a dull black surface to absorb more heat energy from the Sun. However, doesn't it also make sense that heat will be loss/radiated faster also as black surfaces are good radiators? Is my concept of radiation wrong again?
Means the heat get lost faster through the wire gauze
Means overall, less heat reaches kettle A
You are correct