Its me again, a little kan cheong to create topic now but maybe we can start discussing about the exam now?
die, how to edit my title?
Originally posted by Whatdatoot:die, how to edit my title?
ask mod to edit
I thought this is tomorrow?
yay at least the moderation wont be 80% or 90%
how come nobody post here. Anyway, for those who studied plate tect like me. GG!!
i studied everything correctly, manufacturing and tourism =)
but, not enough time to really write in good points. omg.
are you toking human paper?
strange hor. why take human geog today. pure and e.geog is diff ah.
Originally posted by davidche:how come nobody post here. Anyway, for those who studied plate tect like me. GG!!
lol. i didnt even study coz geog is not supposed to be in my l1r4 or l1r5. but then i still think i can pass leh.. look quite easy leh.
today qn 1 plate tectonics damn kiam pa. suddenly last qn frm weather and climate.
exactly. which make me wonder whether i should continue with qn1 or change. but seeing the other 3 question, i think qn 1 can crap more since i didnt study. last minute before go in my friend told me about the qn4 lorms thingy and qn4 free mark for map reading. so do 1 and 4.
lol me 2. qn 1 lorms even tho i didnt study. I said about human and environment impacts and gave China as eg. I just rmb China has droughts lol and some parts agricultural so big impact on ppl's income. and also i said tat ppl in dev country's has less suffering cos they have green house. So tats balenced and wif eg shld be lvl 2 eh? XD