Just wondering if you guys (fellow tutors) would be interested in evaluating what score is required for A1/A2?
What I am proposing is we poll our students immediately after the papers (gotta meet them for the E Maths anyway), providing them with the correct solutions (consider wrong if not sure if correct) and getting a rough score, then sharing what they actually got after the results are released.
For what? So that we know how much to push. As far as I guage, last year's A1 was 83% or thereabout. A2 was about 78%. So this year I pushed for the ability to hit 80% ( tried to pyscho them to aim for 85% by telling them I don't care if it is A1 or A2 since I can just claim distinction in my promotional materials) but I feel the syllabus this year is easier and so might be risky? My pool of Sec 4E is too small this year due to all 1 to 1 tuitions plus got only EM or 4N level and thus hard to guage this year... so looking for other tutors to expand the sample pool.
All you gotta do is to get an estimate from your student(s) and we share our findings when the results come out. My students' results are always B3/A2/A1 so it will be very indictative of where the necessary benchmark for A2/A1 is. This should be a win win cooperative situation for us. The scores will be strictly confidential between us. I don't badmouth other tutors ever.