And yes, as Eagle puts it, and as "TinTin" has pointed out via this thread, only ethically (and financially) responsible students are welcome to apply for tuition.
Originally posted by tinuviel07:have but he doesn't reply or is sleeping the whole afternoon away.
told him to trf the money quite some time ago up till now still haven't.
his lesson time, people wait for him there till the lesson end he never appear, never say anything. or he'll ask the tutor to go somewhere wait for him, never appear, no msg nothing.
u will get your revenge when he fails his exams...
Tinuviel07 ("TinTin"), keep up your efforts of contacting this student until the matter is resolved. No one likes to be scammed/cheated. If this student is ethically and morally decent, he will reply you with explanation and due compensation.
Originally posted by tinuviel07:have but he doesn't reply or is sleeping the whole afternoon away.
told him to trf the money quite some time ago up till now still haven't.
his lesson time, people wait for him there till the lesson end he never appear, never say anything. or he'll ask the tutor to go somewhere wait for him, never appear, no msg nothing.
with handphone number, can trace him le mah... can go petty claims tribunal I think
Originally posted by UltimaOnline:
>>> should be more good, hardworking, ethical, conscientious and responsible students should attend effective tutors like ourselves... <<<
True true. You're right, Eagle. It is those students that are sincerely interested and keen to learn, that tutors (and MOE teachers) find it most delightful to teach, not those unwilling kids forced into tuition by their kiasu parents.
yeah i totally agree.. those forced into it merely make me equally unwilling to teach due to their lack of interest
Originally posted by tinuviel07:
yeah i totally agree.. those forced into it merely make me equally unwilling to teach due to their lack of interest
I stop tutoring them within 4 lessons as soon as I discover such a situation. Forgoing any fees. Waste of time. I rather make $25 per hour with someone willing to learn than $40 with someone unwilling to learn.
complain to SAJC principal directly and make big noise to em
wah nabei got ppl owe my beloved teacher money?!
hope he kena bang by car!
btw tin tin, i dint owe u anything right?
Reminds me of how I got cheated of $100 from my very first student....
The last time I taught him, his mom told me that 'My son wants to take a break from tuition for a few weeks, we'll call you when we want you back'. I figured that since they still owed me $100, so they would definitely call me back.
After two months, I heard nothing from them. I called my student's HP and his home phone many times over the next two weeks.... they didn't bother answering.
I wanted to go up to his front door to confront him and his mom personally.... but my mom told me to just let it slide and write off the $100.
For a financially-strapped undergrad that I was then, $100 is no small potatoes..... that's enough for transport fares for a whole month. And my monthly budget was just $300.
But I guess $100 wasn't as bad as $440. Good luck helping your friend get his money, bro.
Originally posted by gunner77:wah nabei got ppl owe my beloved teacher money?!
hope he kena bang by car!
btw tin tin, i dint owe u anything right?
Dear Gunner77 and tinuviel07,
Tin Tin, so you see, Gunner did not forget you. He is thankful for your dedicated help. Please don't be discouraged just because of one bad student. There are many more hardworking students who are thankful for your dedicated help.
Well, as you see, the forumers of homework forum, are all behind you in your pursuit of the matter.
If you can etablish his identify ie his real name, you already know he is a current student from SAJC, perhaps you can get hold of SAJC annual yearbooks whereby there are photos of all the students (except those students who are absent during the photo-taking session) and identify him. With his real name established, you can approach the SAJC principal for his further details eg his parents' telephone numbers and home address to contact his parents to collect the debt.
TS, my hearts goes to you.
Such unethical students are rare cases of misfortune i guess.
Whoever forumer from SAJC and owes the fee, please pay up to tinuviel07. Put yourself into other pple's shoe. If you happen to be working part time and your boss does not pay you, how will you feel???
While this issue is on-going discussing, i also hope going-to-be tutors will also take some protection against themselves you guys are going to tutor someone that are totally strangers to you, for example, writing in black and white, keep a copy each. Or getting student's contact, school and email on the first day of tuition.
thanks guys.. really glad for your support
tin tin
Originally posted by gunner77:tin tin
why u haven sleep?
btw i got nuttin to ask u coz i never study for 2 days liao
tmr tmr, tmr i try and study
Originally posted by UltimaOnline:And yes, as Eagle puts it, and as "TinTin" has pointed out via this thread, only ethically (and financially) responsible students are welcome to apply for tuition.
Being 'financially responsible' is easier than said. I am very positive in learning and i always do my work well ahead of what my tutor teaches. However, my family is not that affluent after all. I told my tutor beforehand that one day i may not have enough money to pay. My tutor stop teaching me immediately after that for fear of me defaulting payment. This is what i get after being ethical and frank to my tutor. Don't just bad mouth student that default payment. Remember to mention that there are tutors who also take advantage of students being ethical.
so are you saying that as a tutor, we should continue teaching even if the person cannot afford to pay us?
i mean i don't mind teaching if someone asks me questions, i don't have to be paid for it. but it is another thing to go all the way to teach the person unless you are super passionate about teaching, the student mean a lot to you, etc...
tuition after all, is a job and if possible, a passion
hey ig u got his contact just go to sajc and complain to the d.m
Tai ni kia, lets go.
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:Tai ni kia, lets go.
seriously ... such people should die...
just wait till the student finishes A levels first... Then try again...
If still fail, contact the school. He will have to go back to collect his cert and results slip
Originally posted by tinuviel07:have but he doesn't reply or is sleeping the whole afternoon away.
told him to trf the money quite some time ago up till now still haven't.
his lesson time, people wait for him there till the lesson end he never appear, never say anything. or he'll ask the tutor to go somewhere wait for him, never appear, no msg nothing.
I have my fair share of nasty parents who refused pay up also
one parent fm a bridal gown shop takes 3 weeks to return $200
another parent now i think in australia. never pay up $26
i also have tutor who lie about their qualifications ..this biz is tough
especially to a new tuition agency like mine ..the competition and market spoiler is also there ...sigh
I hope u can get the $ back
Best Wishes
Sometimes i was wondering should we have a instalment scheme for those difficulty paying up to pay in the form of long instalment...
What i worried is actually the SAJC student parent loss so much in Stock market ,they now finding ways to sell off their house
Kind of Sad that Financial Crisis hitting Education industry