what was your favourite subject in school? why.
1. the teacher was HAWT.
2. the teacher was lenient and gave you good grades even though you know you didnt actually do that well.
3. the teacher let you sleep/pass notes/talk/not listen in class
4. you had a tuition teacher you helped you with all your homework so you never got into trouble with that teacher.
favourite subject is the subject where the class got most pretty girls..
its like when the bell ring for that particular lesson all of sudden i feel adrenaline pumped up.. there's a sense of at least something to hope for...
math xD
i love it the most when i was in pri n sec
lower sec bio
especially the sex chapter
English Literature.
None. Teachers didnt appeal to me, so was studying.
I hate to play those stupid boys catch girls during P.E.........tamade.....
Newtonian Physics 405.
Originally posted by udontknowme:what was your favourite subject in school? why.
1. the teacher was HAWT.
2. the teacher was lenient and gave you good grades even though you know you didnt actually do that well.
3. the teacher let you sleep/pass notes/talk/not listen in class
4. you had a tuition teacher you helped you with all your homework so you never got into trouble with that teacher.etc.....
what is HAWT?
recess counted ?
Originally posted by yong93:recess counted ?
can can. inside timetable.
Pure Biology on Sex organs
PE and recess
Originally posted by sinicker:can can. inside timetable.
Assembly counted anot? oso inside time table. i like it when the Discipline Master catch ppl during Assembly.
mother tongue and math, cuz interesting.
maths and physics
because I like calculations and analysis, till I set up ExamWorld and help out in homework forum :D
reason: no need to study, can score effortlessly
Originally posted by LongitudinaL:
Assembly counted anot? oso inside time table. i like it when the Discipline Master catch ppl during Assembly.
can can. assembly also counted inside. 10mins or 15mins one?
Molecular & Cell Biology
Cell culture
Anatomy & Physiology
i loved all of them.lol.my teacher allowed me to do whatever i wanted during classes due to the nature of my results and most of the time,instead of listening to the lessons,i read.lol.majority of my time in school was reading time.lol