Originally posted by gunner77:np good luck
i hope wont be a repeat of last year where the unexpected swizterland came out for N lvl
Same to u! for N lvl, the day b4 i study more on conflicts, came out on Ireland Bloody Sunday, walk out of the hall with a happy face.. haha
Originally posted by MyNameisNas:Same to u! for N lvl, the day b4 i study more on conflicts, came out on Ireland Bloody Sunday, walk out of the hall with a happy face.. haha
watever i study never come out, but i did the northern ireland becoz at mid year i got study that topic. so just anyhow recap and do
in the end get A2 so happy when i received my result.
last year N lvl was probably the best results i ever received in my whole life.
so besides conflicts and governance, anything to recommend for study?
i strongly recommend merger and separation
i think it will come out coz this topic new syllabus dont have. so old syllabus might have it for the last time
however, this is just my opinion.
my advise is study the topic that u are curious about it.
when u are curious, u wanna know more about it, then the learning process is easier.
Originally posted by gunner77:
no such thing will happendont be a noob
Originally posted by youyayu:
hanna hanna
let ur imagination run wild la
Ok i spent around one hour in predicting what will come out and analysing the trends.
This is my prediction:
Bonding Singapore
Regional and Int'l conflict
If all 3 comes out. pay me 100 bucks thanks.
Ha, according to my predictions, the following themes will probably come out:
1) Understanding governance
2) Conflict and Harmony in Multi-Ethinic Societies
(Sri Lanka + Northern Ireland + Bonding Singapore)
3) Facing Challenges and Change (Venice)
Originally posted by Dragon_star:Ha, according to my predictions, the following themes will probably come out:
1) Understanding governance
2) Conflict and Harmony in Multi-Ethinic Societies
(Sri Lanka + Northern Ireland + Bonding Singapore)
3) Facing Challenges and Change (Venice)
didn't venice come out last yr?
gunner77, your school predict what topics to come out?
Originally posted by HollowGrowl:didn't venice come out last yr?
will come out again
guan yin ma told me
ok la i predict conflicts, managing international relations, sustaining economic development will come out
How do you answer usefulness SBQ question? Such as "How useful is source C in explaining the language issue in Sri Lanka? Explain your answer."
sustaining economic development
Originally posted by junior2006:How do you answer usefulness SBQ question? Such as "How useful is source C in explaining the language issue in Sri Lanka? Explain your answer."
Source C is useful because I can learn that... (infer from source)
This is because the source states that... (quote from source)
Therefore, source is useful.
Originally posted by limpper:gunner77, your school predict what topics to come out?
my school cannot trust one
last year say swizz will not come out, in the end came out
but they say merger/seperation and sri lanka/nothern ireland will come
donno whether to believe them anot..
Originally posted by junior2006:How do you answer usefulness SBQ question? Such as "How useful is source C in explaining the language issue in Sri Lanka? Explain your answer."
1st para --->state the usefulness, give evidence.
2nd para---> state the not usefulness, give evidence
cross reference to other source for info not given.
last para---> conculsion.
i predict.. people who do not study are bound to get low marks
Bonding singapore
Iraq & Kuwai
Sri Lanka/ NI ( didnt come up for 5 years )
VENICE wont come out la, come out for 2 years straight le neh
Originally posted by Shockified:I THINK is
Bonding singapore
Iraq & Kuwai
Sri Lanka/ NI ( didnt come up for 5 years )
VENICE wont come out la, come out for 2 years straight le neh
who say venice come out 2 year straight
it came out in 2007, not 2006
yeah and who say sri lanka for 5 years didnt come out. see 2005 and 2006
which ten year series he buy sia?
Eh gunner, who your SS teacher?
mr sia lan
Haha....My is Gay-ry
The method of usefulness sounds the same lor. Hate the cross referencing part, dunno cross reference with what.