I'm a bit surpirse no topic has been made about this yet? Are you freaks giving up on SS already!??! -_-
Jokes aside, i'm thinking of just doing Sustaining Development and Good Governance. The other Singapore theme is a pain. Something like 4 topics, some more Industralisation got a lot to remember.
The reason why i choose SD and GG is because its i think it will certainly come out:
Out of 3 themes, most likely 2 will be related to Singapore. This means only Growth of Nations and Looking Ahead. Since i'm skipping Growth of Nations, and most probably 2 S'pore themes will come out, means we're left with SD and GG. (i'm not factoring in merger as that coming out is too good to be true)
What do you guys think?
Is venice a new chapter? i also have a feeling/instinct that globalisation will be tested.
u doing old syllabus or the new one?
gunner77, i'm doing old one.
me too, im doing the old one.
most school predict tat merger will come out coz the new syllabus dont have merger.
Serious? Just asking, is your info reliable? Merger coming out for us is too good to be true. It's something we've been learning since lower sec.
My school predicted Dimlomacy Deterrence that theme, as well as Looking Ahead.
i hope merger comes out, becoz from wat my teacher say, merger is not in the new syllabus.
however, nuttin is 100%, last year N level nobody predict swizterland to come out, but it did.
are u sec 5?
Are we spotting now? Memorising for all the chapters is a pain in the butt. But you can never tell. Are you guys really buying into this, teachers telling us what might come out and what might not come out? For safety are you guys familiar with the other topics?
Is there any need to put a heading for Social Studies as well for ExamWorld?
Gunner77 how old ah you bro? You taking o lvls this year?
Originally posted by eagle:Is there any need to put a heading for Social Studies as well for ExamWorld?
We need all the help that we can get. :)
Originally posted by xXBlack_RebelXx:Are we spotting now? Memorising for all the chapters is a pain in the butt. But you can never tell. Are you guys really buying into this, teachers telling us what might come out and what might not come out? For safety are you guys familiar with the other topics?
im not going to buy wat the teacher says
im just going to learn the topics which i find it interesting,
this will make the learning process easier.
i dont care about my teachers prediction.
Originally posted by xXBlack_RebelXx:Gunner77 how old ah you bro? You taking o lvls this year?
im 17
tis year sec 5 taking O lvl.
Originally posted by gunner77:
im 17tis year sec 5 taking O lvl.
Kay cool. Last year what was your points for best 3 subjects and what were they?
Which school are you from? If I may ask.
Originally posted by xXBlack_RebelXx:
Kay cool. Last year what was your points for best 3 subjects and what were they?Which school are you from? If I may ask.
5 points.
accounts 1, english 2, combined humanities 2
my school is qwss.
I think i'll studying everything except Growth of Nations and D&D. there are 3 themes coming out out of 6. Doing 4 themes would guarantee at least one will come out.
black rebel, of course we're not thinking of blindly following our teachers crystal ball. But it never hurts to know our teachers take on the matter.
im skipping D&D too. too useless.
Originally posted by gunner77:im skipping D&D too. too useless.
What do you mean by too useless? Its one of the most asked questions. All we need to learn is about LTTE and IRA conflicts. Plus alot of materials to refer to. Thats my favourite topic.
Kay anyways its getting late and I need to get some sleep. Bye.
Sri lanka and venice
Venice for sure won't come out, cause it was already tested last year (:
Sri Lanka maybe will come out.
I plan to study Sri Lanka & Merger.
I'm sec 5 and 17 too.
I think i'm going to study Good Governance as well.
Not too sure about Sri Lanka. Why not Northern Ireland?
If anyone doesn't want their O level stuff for physics or maths anymore, can give to me? Thanks :D
Originally posted by eagle:If anyone doesn't want their O level stuff for physics or maths anymore, can give to me? Thanks :D
Why you need them?
Originally posted by crimsontactics:Why you need them?
Tuition + ExamWorld
Originally posted by eagle:Tuition + ExamWorld
off topic a bit but i think u need a section for primary school maths.