Just a qn to ask anyone who are taking elective geog.
Must we write examples for LORMS qn?
and for the forest, forest as an resource chapter, can anyone help me by giving me some question on Lorms and probly de solution to help me wif de upcoming EOY test pls ^^
for LORMS, u need to explain the factors/measures/causes (depending on wad is the qn), give at least one example of each, and assess their effectiveness (like how successful or unsuccessful)
seriously, is it possible if anyone out there can help me a little, by giving me all the possible LORMS help, for as many as possible...
Actually i must say this geog cher sux to the deep core, read off directly from TB... dunno how to give ppl eg.
is a new transfer teacher, from some other neighbour hood school, UGLY, almost a drop off... SHE SUX!~
so if possible, i really need all the possible i can get for geograpgy, elective. esp. with the LORMS part. TQ. ^^