Originally posted by absol:hi,i need some advice....
been taking h3 maths this yr, am a j2 now.
as some of you might know..topics covered include graph theory, DE, combinatorics and plane geometry.
but the plane geometry...it seems imba hard-.- as in...even during the tutorial...im already having a lot of problems trying to even use ceva's theorem when it was taught lately. should i just give up on plane geometry and focus on the other 3 topics? even though im not exactly good with them yet but i think if i work harder on them....there might be hope:) i sort of came up with this idea because...i heard next year plane geometry is going to removed. hahaha is it because its too hard.
else if i shouldnt give up on plane geom..any err...tips to solving plane geom qns for h3 in general? i take a damn long time to solve 1 plane geom qns....
It is a topic that either one sees it or otherwise. Some of us lack this visual-spatial intelligence, but that can be developed over time.
Do learn practical strategies to help you see the figure more quickly and get to appreciate the situations in which certain geometrical results ought to be applied.
Thanks and jiayou!
Wen Shih
Originally posted by wee_ws:Hi,
It is a topic that either one sees it or otherwise. Some of us lack this visual-spatial intelligence, but that can be developed over time.
Do learn practical strategies to help you see the figure more quickly and get to appreciate the situations in which certain geometrical results ought to be applied.
Thanks and jiayou!
Wen Shih
much as im willing to develop it "over time"...but....there dosent seem to be too much time left. and i think i have 0 of that "visual-spatial intelligence"...-.- i still remember the first test i ever failed in primary school was a damn test on angles..just couldnt do.haha. are there any books you would recommend me to find which has...decent geometry problems i could practice on(preferably with detailed solutions too)?
Hi absol,
Ask your teachers for resources or look up for any olympiad problems on the Internet.
Focus on the easier geometry problems and master the other options.
Ultimately, be sure to do very well for your H1/H2 subjects.
Thanks and continue to learn with an open mind even though the going is tough.
Wen Shih
Hi absol,
I'm not sure about plane geometry in H3, but for O levels, this is how I would teach my students. When they ask you to find the length or angle of something, don't be boxed in by thinking how to get that only, then find that you are stuck, and continue thinking along that path. I have yet to refine my thoughts and tactics, but the gist can boil down to two things so far:
1) Find out what angles/lengths are related to the answer you are going to find (by whatever theorem). Then find those angles/lengths, or if cannot, repeat the previous sentences. Then slowly come back and find the answer.
In programming, this is called recursive functions :D It is because of my programming background that I could understand H2 maths recurrence relations within minutes and start teaching students.
2) Try a different theorem and repeat (1)
Also, if 3D was involved (as in physics or 3D vectors or 3D trigo in earlier syllabus), then you can "cheat" by using your pens in exams to make up the shape :D
So far, most of the questions can be solved by this general algorithm. However, like you correctly mentioned, you will need questions to practice.
Hi, all, are you able to provide me with detailed solutions to this sum below ?
Sec 3 'A' Maths - Product and Sum of Roots
Question 2
(a) The roots of a quadratic equation 3x2 – √24 x = 0 are m and . Without using a calculator,
i) show that 1/m + 1/n = - 6
ii) find the value of 4/m – 2/n in the form Öa – Öb
I have already found that sum of roots, m + n = Ö 24 / (3)
And product of roots = -2/3
And proved part i)
Can you help me with part ii) ? The answer is Ö 108 – √6
Thanks in advance