1. it goes back to neutral. he had to pay back the $1 he forked out.
it's like a weighing system.
bought @ 8 = 0
sold @ 9 = +1
bought @ 10 = -1
sold @ 11 = 0
+ denotes profit, - denotes loss and 0 is neutral
2. what missing dollar? each guy didn't paid $9. the fucking waiter robbed the money.
why? because the manager gave back $5 which officially made the men pay $25.
neither. because both statement makes the probability of each house 50%
4. i would stay with my initial choice
Craig (to Lucy) :Tell me about yourselves.
Lucy : We are both insane.
Craig (to Minna) : Is that true?
Minna : Of course not!
lucy is a sane vampire which goes back to vampires like to lie
minna is an insane human because she's in denial
because true propositions are false to an insane inhabitant
how i know this? through trial and error
Originally posted by CasperV:1. it goes back to neutral. he had to pay back the $1 he forked out.
it's like a weighing system.
bought @ 8 = 0
sold @ 9 = +1
bought @ 10 = -1
sold @ 11 = 0
+ denotes profit, - denotes loss and 0 is neutral
2. what missing dollar? each guy didn't paid $9. the fucking waiter robbed the money.
why? because the manager gave back $5 which officially made the men pay $25.
neither. because both statement makes the probability of each house 50%
4. i would stay with my initial choice
Craig (to Lucy) :Tell me about yourselves.
Lucy : We are both insane.
Craig (to Minna) : Is that true?
Minna : Of course not!
lucy is a sane vampire which goes back to vampires like to lie
minna is an insane human because she's in denial
because true propositions are false to an insane inhabitant
how i know this? through trial and error
1)that weighing machine thing is crap.
he earns one dolar from each thing he sell. thus u only calculate from those he sold.. thus answer is 2
2) the waiter did not rob them. the author is just playing with words. 9x3 = 27.
out of the 27 ( 25 dolars is for hte meal, 2 is for the waiter) the other 3 dolars is the money they get back.
the author is playing with words and using a mathematical eqn
the correct example is actually 27 + 3 dolars they got back. insteaed of adding the 2 dolars the waitor got which is actually in the 27 dolars already..
3) i have to agree with u.. i am not sure as i calculated the probability to be 50 percent as well
4) i would swap as i bet i made the wrong choice increasing my probability by alot.
5) i would choose lucy as well =)
lol about that weighing machine thing it just came to mind. i only took 1 glance for each question
1) The "Chicken" Riddle
A man bought a chicken for $8, sold it for $9, bought it back for $10, and sold it for $11. How much profit did he make?
This is interesting Correct me if I'm wrong.
Cost=$8, sold=$9, profit=$1
Buy again cost=$10, cost + initial profit $1= $9 cost
so, $9 sold to $11= $2 profit
4) the doors.IF YOU CHANGE
if you get the goat at first and change, you have a 100% chance of getting the car. if you get the car at first, you have 0% chance of getting it. therefore overall 2/3 chance.
if you get the goat first, you get goat, 2/3 chance. if you get car, you get car 1/3 chance.
5) does lucy ---> sane vampire and minna ---> sane human work? seems different from the others, but works for me
I've updated my original post as follows :
Updated/Edited :
I initially thought of 'marking' the replies here and scoring them, all of them one-by-one; but as it turns out (and you can see this for yourself), the way the replies are posted, (eg. "solution already posted in riddles forum", instead of a proper explanation in your own words), it makes properly marking and scoring the replies quite difficult, if not impossible. Besides, I can tell you guys are having more fun discussing the riddles with each other, rather than just having your replies marked, and obtaining a score.
So to this end, I'll not 'mark' or score you guys, but instead, leave you to continue discussing and debating these rather brilliant riddles. Rest assured, these are not 'nonsense' riddles without answers; everyone of these 5 riddles are valid exercises in logic, IQ, mathematics and intuition.
Continue having fun!
However, if any of you are curious about your score and would still like me to score you, edit *one* your posts and *ASK* specifically to be scored (eg. "Please tell me my score based on this post"). This is required because some of you post all over the place, bits and pieces of answers in different posts, making it difficult to mark and score your post.
Q1) $2
Q2) This is idiotic. It should just be 27 + 3 = 30. The person who came out with this question does not have a logical mind.
Q3) House on left has chance of boy girl, girl boy and boy boy which is 2 out of three chance. House on left can only be boy boy or boy girl which is 1 out of two chances. Hence house on left has higher chance.
Q4) is a Monty hall game. Always switch door to gain the best prize. Solution is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem. Lazy to explain.
Q5) lucy is vampire la.
Originally posted by weewee:Q2) This is idiotic. The person who came out with this question does not have a logical mind.
Quite the contrary, if you can recognize the intelligence in the question. The person who authored this classic riddle is skilled in the art of misdirection. Somewhat akin to Chris Angel and David Blaine.
Here's some wisdom I share with my students :
~~~ When someone says something nice about you, it doesn't mean you're nice, it means they're nice.
When someone says something nasty about you, it doesn't mean you're nasty, it means they're nasty. ~~~
Also, I advise my students not to use disrespectful terms like "lame", or "dumb", or "spastic", because such terms are insensitive and disrespectful to people with walking disabilities, vocal/communication disabilities, intellectual disabilities, etc.
Just sharing. (You certainly don't have to agree with what I, or anyone else says.)
ya la i know that person is skilled in the art of misdirection
Anyone here like the prisoner delima IQ game.