I have this MCQ question which is rather unconventional compared to the usual questions regarding kinetic particle theory. I would appreciate it if someone could help explain this.
Which of the following correctly describes the particles in a dilute salt solution at room temperature?
Salt Particles Water molecules
A. widely separated, moving Close together, moves randomly
at random
B. Widely separated, moves close together, not moving
C. widely separated, not widely separated, moving at
moving random
D. close together, moves close together, moving at random
My choice is D. I was thinking whether the salt particles move really... in a dilute salt solution, does a situation similar to brownian motion occur? Such as the water molecules are the ones that move and hit the salt particles? However this seems quite impossible for this scenario because looking at option C, it says the particles of salt are WIDELY SEPARATED.
So I guess I really need help. (: THANK YOU!!
widely seperated moving at random... go read brownian motion...
everything is moving randomly.. but diluted, so salt should be wide apart, while water is close tgt.. so A.. i think.. lol..
my answer is A!
skythewood, purpledragon84 and sinicker are correct.