Hi Sir
Is it possible to group the questions according to their level eg Primary/PSLE. Secondary/GCE O Level and Junior colleges/A level?
good idea.
Maybe have these threads
General questions (Pri)
Pure Physics
Pure Biology
Pure Chem
A Maths
E maths
Combined science
Art and Design
Economics (H1, H2)
Maths (H1,H2)
Languages (H1,H2)
Bio/phy/chem (H1,H2)
Humantilities (H1,h2)
H3 subjects
Others (Uni stuff)
it's hard, because not everyone read the rules and say which level they are at.... :(
btw, I'm slowly grouping the questions in my field from Homework Forum into
Will be adding questions from different papers and tuition students as well...
Maybe you can partition up the forum under several headings, and members shall post their questions in the respective sections eg Primary, Secondary, Junior Colleges
Hi moderator
Please delete this post due to double entry.Thanks
Originally posted by baiyun:Hi
Maybe you can partition up the forum under several headings, and members shall post their questions in the respective sections eg Primary, Secondary, Junior Colleges
We don't have the authority to do partition like hardwarezone forums.
Only Jason has it, but I think he's not programming that in.
Anyway, do make a search for examworld in google ;)
I will be slowly compiling some of the questions here in that blog. Started from the back, so far reached page 28.... Will be adding some other questions from my list as well...