some burning qns:
Bio in JC is so hard to score well. TO those who managed to score good grades, pls share how did u study, or rather how did u answer the questions.
It's just so demanding when lots of details need to be included in order to get 1 mark. I just hope A level wouldn't be so demanding.
>>> is blastocyst the same as embryonic stem cells? <<<
Not the same. Google out both terms on Wikipedia.
>>> why is it that the concentration of cAMP is inversely proportional to the concentration of glucose (in lac operon)? <<<
Glucose inhibits the enzyme adenyl cyclase (which converts ATP to cAMP).
>>> Bio in JC is so hard to score well. It's just so demanding when lots of details need to be included in order to get 1 mark. I just hope A level wouldn't be so demanding. <<<
One reason for this, is that the new H2 syllabus emphasizes heavily on molecular biology, and has brought down from University level A LOT of content that the previous 'A' level syllabus students (all batches before 2007) never learnt during their JC years.
While it is arguably far sighted of the government (ie. MOE & SEAB) to do this, but as far as the students are concerned, slightly increased stress levels are inevitable.