There were 2 identical flights of steps.
For the 1st flight of steps, James walked up some steps and ran 6 steps in 74s.
For the 2nd flight of steps, James walked up some steps and ran 14 steps in 42s. How long will James take to walk up both flights of steps?
(I copied the stuff exactly word for word and double checked already)
Ans is 196s
x - 6 = 74s
x - 14 = 42s
(x - 6) + (x - 14) = 116s
2x - 20 = 116s
x - 10 = 58s (1 flight of steps)
(x - 6) - (x - 14) = 32s
8 = 32s
1 = 4s
For every step run, it saves 4s.
x = 58s + 10 steps
x = 58s + (10 * 4s)
x = 58s + 40s
x = 98s (1 flight of steps took 98s to climb)
2x = 196s
another method but same concept as the previos method. I think this will beĀ easier for a P6.
running 8steps(14-6)=save 32s(74-42)
running 1step = save 4s
running 6steps = 6x4 =24s
walking 1 flight = 74+24 = 98s
both = 98x2=196s
a very long time.