Originally posted by Daisuke-kun:eagle stay in east?
can provide free tuition XD ?
like that then my current students how -.-"
Originally posted by the Bear:
you may say that..but maybe i'm barking up the wrong tree..
you help.. but the parents and others pervert...
i've seen children lose their childhood because their parents make them go for tuition almost every spare moment they have.. even when their child's grades are excellent.. the grade becomes the be-all and end-all...
you have heard of the educated idiot.. the straight-A students who don't even know what the hell is going on..
could excessive tuition be doing that?
and would a tutor turn down a parent because they know the child should not be spending all their time sitting there with a pencil?
do the children need it these days?
lots do not.. but still are forced into it...
i agree, it is a two way thing. on one hand, some parents really push their children very hard till dey lose their childhood....
on another hand, future singaporeans are competing against the influx of FT....
how to achieve a balance? but seriouly i personally feel that pushing to your limit is a gd thing, because u nvr noe how far u can push. But overworking the poor child is another story, everybody is different unique individual, which some parents fail to realise dat.
but come to think of it, if my parents didnt send me to tuition last time, i wouldnt hav gone this far....haha~...but dey nvr push me beyond my limit or made me attend tuition till i nvr had time to play.
I tell you what kids need these days, they need a miracle, a fcuking miracle.
I think those who go for tuition is either too rich or nothing else to do or too lazy to study by ownself.
Originally posted by jinjia:I think those who go for tuition is either too rich or nothing else to do or too lazy to study by ownself.
Not true
Tuition can speed up your learning by a lot a lot, provided you get the right tuition teacher.
The amount of time saved for other things could be quite substantial.
Not only that, as Ultimaonline has said, a good tuition teacher can also help students cultivate more interest in the subject at hand.
One thing about maths and physics at school is, most of what is being taught is far too simplistic. I've students who were actually extremely interested in the more in depths part (that are usually taught at higher levels), and got told off by their teacher as out of syllabus and they do not need to know (I think those teachers dunno also). For me, I was fortunate in JC to have teachers who were willing to give me the extra info.
It is these little tibits of info here and there that arouse the interest of students, yet school teachers usually do nothing about it. Thus, I try to incorporate such extra tibits into my tuition, to generate and arouse interest, and at the same time, let students appreciate more about the subject at hand, and how it is applied to life.