Hi,My SS exam is tomorrow(N level Prelim).And you can imagine it.MEMORIZATION.But our teacher seriously sucks.She don't even teach the proper ways of doing structured essays.In short,she is a "$$$ first,student last" kind of person.The teacher constantly says :UNDERSTAND.Then I tell my friend,UNDERSTAND WHAT F**K?.I understand.Then do that time mark she say Elaborate.Knn don't even explain then just leave us like that for our exams.So how do I memorize a 3 page essay(small words) or even better,how to answer the essay to get the highest marks?
As long as it is essay based, try to use the following words/phrases frequently in your essay
On the other hand
In my opinion
etc etc
These are tactical words that force you to write in a more analytical way (and you will subconsciously elaborate more). These words also make the examiner have the mindset that you are doing deeper analysis. Check the thesauraus for more such similar words.
Owner of Strategic Tuition
It depends on the type of questions which they ask for essay.
For example, if they ask you "To what extent do you agree that *a certain factor* help in *something*?"
1. Agree to a large extent. (You can disgree also, depends on the question. But usually, I THINK they will get students to agree to a large extent. )
2. Explain the given factor (from question) in detail.
3. Explain the role of another factor (from your textbook knowledge) in detail.
4. Briefly talk about 1 or 2 more factors that you can think of. (optional)
**5. Weigh your factors - explain why is it that one factor is more important than the other and why the other factors seem less important?
6. Conclusion - explain the inter-relationship of the factors.
**Step 5 is extremly important if you wanna hit the highest level for your essay.
How do you write out your factors in detail?
Point - state your factor.
Explain/elaborate - explain and elaborate factor.
Evidence/example - give evidence and examples whenever possible.
Link - link back to the question. (eg. Therefore, this factor is important in *something*)
You really need to know your SS content well if you want to score well in essays. The textbook, if you have one, is quite a good source actually. =)
Thanks so much guys.
Lol.. my time SS (which is a long time ago).. i hardly memorize lor. That's why I love SS.
SS the most important thing is to understand the text and not blind memerising. Understand the format of essay writing. Understand the question. And then THINK!!
Pure memerizing and regurgitation will only get you a pass. The only think i ever memorized was certain key sub-titles bcoz these will usually be your points for the relevant questions.
In all honesty, if you are geared towards root learning, SS will not be your cup of tea. Of course there are many out there who can both root learn and think analytically.
Good luck.
hey bro N level SS very easy one
i understand tat tis is prelim, so its ur teacher tat mark it.
dont be affected if u have bad results. becoz at the actual N level, as long as u attempt to write something acceptable, they will pass u.
essay, just write 3 factors, in the conculsion(last para) write which factors u tink is the best. and explain why.
in N level, as long as u manage to get to the last para which is the conculsion, u will get grade 3 or 2
good luck
i took my N level last year and i get grade 2.
so all the best
Thanks gunner77.You lifted my morale too.
no problem, i remember clearly when i took my N level SS paper
it was in the afternoon 2pm.
damn, the unexpected came out. the swizz topic.
watever i studied never come out. i was so scare that i thought im gonna fail.
but i did the northen ireland without much knowledge and still manage to get grade 2.
just remember tat, essay is easy to get mark.
write down the main points, then slowly expand from your main points.
how to memorize essays? unless you are a PRC, I have witnessed PRCs memorizing 30 x 3 page answers in English before.
Originally posted by maurizio13:
write down the main points, then slowly expand from your main points.
how to memorize essays? unless you are a PRC, I have witnessed PRCs memorizing 30 x 3 page answers in English before.
I really respect them for being damn hardworking.
Talent wise... very little in Singapore really are...
Originally posted by eagle:I really respect them for being damn hardworking.
Talent wise... very little in Singapore really are...
they are hardworking, but i think my friend has the wrong technique.
it's a management paper, the scenarios are different everytime.
beats me, but she never pass that paper.
the PRCs are good at memorizing essays, think they learn it from young.
My teacher used to tell us of the PEEL technique. Point, eleborate, evidence, L I forgot. Peobably conclusion. But PEE I am quite sure. Hope it helped
Originally posted by Beautiful951:My teacher used to tell us of the PEEL technique. Point, eleborate, evidence, L I forgot. Peobably conclusion. But PEE I am quite sure. Hope it helped
Posted above by viopurp already
Point -
state your factor
Explain -
explain the factor briefly
Elaborate/example - elaborate on
your factor and give examples whenever possible.
Link - link
back to the question (eg. Therefore, this factor is important in
evidence remember evidence! Very important!!
i shall make this sticky~
Originally posted by ClaT:Hi,My SS exam is tomorrow(N level Prelim).And you can imagine it.MEMORIZATION.But our teacher seriously sucks.She don't even teach the proper ways of doing structured essays.In short,she is a "$$$ first,student last" kind of person.The teacher constantly says :UNDERSTAND.Then I tell my friend,UNDERSTAND WHAT F**K?.I understand.Then do that time mark she say Elaborate.Knn don't even explain then just leave us like that for our exams.So how do I memorize a 3 page essay(small words) or even better,how to answer the essay to get the highest marks?
Hmm...I think nothing wrong with your teacher what. When she say 'elaborate', she really just mean elabourate lorh, just elabourate more on why you claim this or that...what's the logic and basis behind your stand, how you arrive at that particular conclusion, that simple.
It's impossible for her to write an essay in your essay telling you how you can write better for perhaps more than 40 students. What she can do, though, is explain on the common mistakes and improvements during lessons in class. Therefore, when she ask if all of you understand, just raise up your hand and say you don't understand, tell her to explain more. That's the job of the student.
As for how to get the highest marks in your essay, I think the other forumers have elabourated enough. The most important thing here is the usage of critical thinking...think further, why is this like that and why is that not like this, twist your evidence in your favour and counter some possible counter-argument back.
Memorising essay is definitely not useful, because essay questions always change. Even a one word difference can mean a whole world's difference in the way you should answer. Reading more good essays help, though...it helps you shape your ideas.
Originally posted by Maith:evidence remember evidence! Very important!!
oops. yea, i think one of the Es in the PEEL does include evidence. shall go and edit my previous post. =)
Wha my topic first time sticky in all forums I been too...feel so lucky...
can try mind mapping also.
hey, most easy method is to just drop the subject and study geography!! no explaination needed....just pure memory work .
Originally posted by EvolutionPIG:hey, most easy method is to just drop the subject and study geography!! no explaination needed....just pure memory work .
Dude firstly you cant drop SS, its a mandatory subject. Even if your taking a pure humnities subject you have to take it in lieu with SS. And geography isnt just also pure memory based subject.
Originally posted by viopurp:It depends on the type of questions which they ask for essay.
For example, if they ask you "To what extent do you agree that *a certain factor* help in *something*?"
1. Agree to a large extent. (You can disgree also, depends on the question. But usually, I THINK they will get students to agree to a large extent. )
2. Explain the given factor (from question) in detail.
3. Explain the role of another factor (from your textbook knowledge) in detail.
4. Briefly talk about 1 or 2 more factors that you can think of. (optional)
**5. Weigh your factors - explain why is it that one factor is more important than the other and why the other factors seem less important?
6. Conclusion - explain the inter-relationship of the factors.
**Step 5 is extremly important if you wanna hit the highest level for your essay.
How do you write out your factors in detail?
Point - state your factor.
Explain/elaborate - explain and elaborate factor.
Evidence/example - give evidence and examples whenever possible.
Link - link back to the question. (eg. Therefore, this factor is important in *something*)
You really need to know your SS content well if you want to score well in essays. The textbook, if you have one, is quite a good source actually. =)
Very helpful post right there. But I have to disagree that textbook alone should suffice because assesment books are also a great help.
no leh this time N lvl ss is super difficult. can die
Don't memorize... understand it..