Do you know what is HSK?
"Chinese Proficiency Test" ?
More infor on HSK
yes i noe.
haha. i thinking of taking it.
O levels and A levels should suffice alr. dun need to go take HSK, unless it is required in any uni admission. even so, A levels usually can manage the job.
Is it best for foreigner?
My school sent me to take the paper some months back. It was quite tedious. Anyway it will help you in your uni admission if you were to apply to say a uni in china? thats what my teacher told me today. and perhaps you can use it for applying for the post of a chinese teacher.
It's just some papers to show that you are good in chinese, I supposed?
My school made it compulsory for students to take this HSK test in secondary 3 or 4.
It was quite okay. No harm taking it. You are more value-added in a way with a good HSK certificate, especially if you wanna go China to study or apply to be a chinese teacher like what bonkysleuth had mentioned.