does anyone know why it can't be used as an altimeter? Is it because an altimeter is used for determining the pressure in high altitudes and barometer cannot withstand that much pressure? just an inference though.
please help!
An altimeter is an instrument used to measure the altitude of an object above a fixed level. The measurement of altitude is called altimetry, which is related to the term bathymetry, the measurement of depth underwater.
Altitude is the elevation of a point or object from a known level or datum (plural: data).
and the relation between altitude and pressure is
Atmospheric pressure decreases as altitude increases. This principle is the basis of operation of the pressure altimeter, which is an aneroid barometer calibrated to indicate altitude instead of pressure.
So in actual fact, barometer can be used as an altimeter. Your question is a bit too general. There's no such thing as the barometer cannot handle too much pressure; the maximum is designed manually by humans.
May I know where you get your question from? Is it from any exam papers? If so, post the whole question.
hmm? or issit supposed to be 2 different things altogether?
barometer jus measures pressure, doesnt give the exact altitute. although pressure and altitude are related..
altimeter gives the exact altitude as given by e definition..
Yea. Thanks so much for your contributions. For eagle, I found this question from my Physics workbook.