can any 1 give me some solution on how to slve shortage of food
If u got food shortage, you can go sheng siong or NTUC fairprice or Coldstorage to buy lor.
eat poo
Yr homework huh
Another one too lazy to do homework. Neh'mine. I give you model answer:
kill off two thirds of the world's population while maintaining current food production. problem solved!
k la k u with ur scientists is developing more and more genetically modified food alr yea
Ok I help u too
1. Stop using food as fuel
2. Plant more GMO food
3. Don't care if an animal is going extinct or not. If you can eat it, eat it
4. Start to 'cull' people
oh wait, I got another one. develop technology to recycle shit for food. I read about it in science fiction novels!
Research has shown that the world produces more than enough food for every human being.
It is just logistical and other human-related issues that are stopping the equitable distribution of food.
Try not to eat too much until u so fat like M.Aisuke aka the guy with unusal name. Try to give some food to the poor if possible.
plant more food
clones animals for eating
haha... so many funny ans......
all families are encouraged to plant bean sprout at home for food
It's how the food trickles down from the production side... Look at those who've the money and waste the precious food, versus those who go hungry...
tricky bastards ah, these ppl.
pay them million dollars to solve world crisis, then they cannot think up anything, then give this issue as assignment to kids, then if got good idea, steal. grr.
anyway, lack of food = must grow more food lor.
geography right?
to solve, study the green and blue revolution
eat dead people...