Now I have a work for profiling HP, some of the information I can't get from the net, thought can come here and ask for help.
1) Why do HP merge with compaq? What is their intention and their benefit of it?
2) Do HP has a team or 2 that analyze the customer's opinion or data collected?
3) Did HP cannot cope with the constant growth of the company? If yes, why?
4) What is the "great" thing that HP had recently developed?
Thanks for the help.
u can contact HP and ask to speak to someone who can ans these qns
probably the PR dept or business development director
they are quite ok with such things if it's for sch assignment, as long as not intrusive and does not disrupt their operations
even if can't hold a FTF interview oso can communicate via email
no guarantee though
up to urself to sound convincing enough for them to entertain u